“Tell me when you’re done,” she said. “We’ll go out for a drink to celebrate.”
“Please, Grayson!” I begged, grabbing at his waist as he stalked by me. “I’ll do anything! Just don’t divorce me!”
“I’m sorry, Clementine,” he said, his deep voice falling like shards of sharp, unbreakable ice. “It was a job. Nothing personal.”
Then he shook me off and walked out the door.
The room seemed to spin crazily around me, and I clutched the hotel walls, trying to stumble after him.
But Grayson just walked on. Tall, cocky, assured.
No matter what I did, no matter what I said, he peeled me off him with hard hands and walked on. Without a second glance, shattering everything I thought I knew about my life.
I wish I could say I spit at the back of him, but I didn’t.
When he left, I chased that goddamn cop car all the way down the road until he sped up and left me in the dust.
Chapter Five
PROSECUTOR GONZALEZ: “Agent Bentley, please explain to the court how you were able to get this information on the defendant Harvey Adler?”
AGENT BENTLEY: “Yes, sir. In accordance with my instructions, I was undercover as his son-in-law.”
PROSECUTOR GONZALEZ: “Can you explain further?”
AGENT BENTLEY: “I don’t understand what you mean.”
PROSECUTOR GONZALEZ: “I think you do, agent. What was your relationship with Clementine Adler?”
AGENT BENTLEY: “She was a part of the investigation.”
AGENT BENTLEY: “I was posing as her husband.”
AGENT BENTLEY: “With the purpose of getting information about the defendant.”
PROSECUTOR GONZALEZ: “Why you, Agent Bentley, instead of any other member of your department?”
AGENT BENTLEY: “The Chief thought I was the most likely candidate to succeed in enticing the subject into a relationship with me.”
AGENT BENTLEY: “I was thought to be the most physically appealing candidate. The most likely one on the team to entice the subject into giving us any useful information.”
PROSECUTOR GONZALEZ: “What was your assignment?”
AGENT BENTLEY: “Get close to Clementine Adler.”
AGENT BENTLEY: “Romantically.”
PROSECUTOR GONZALEZ: “When you say romantically, what do you mean? Sexually?”