Page 71 of Captiva Book Club

When she reached the top, Becca hesitated for just a moment before knocking lightly on the door. After a few seconds, Ciara’s voice called out, “Come in.”

Becca opened the door and stepped inside. The apartment was warm and inviting, filled with the soft afternoon light streaming through the windows. Ciara was sitting on the couch, a book in her lap, but she immediately put it aside when she saw Becca.

“Becca,” Ciara said, a hint of surprise in her voice. “Is everything all right?”

“Yeah,” Becca replied, feeling a little awkward now that she was here. “I just… I wanted to talk to you, if you have a minute.”

“Of course,” Ciara said, motioning for Becca to sit beside her on the couch. “What’s on your mind?”

Becca sat down, fidgeting with her hands in her lap. “I’ve been thinking a lot about us, about you and me, and I realized that I haven’t been fair to you. I’ve been so focused on keeping my mom’s memory alive, that I think I might have pushed you away in the process.”

Ciara’s expression softened, and she reached out to take Becca’s hand. “Becca, you’ve been through so much. It’s understandable that you would want hold on to your mom’s memory. I’ve never wanted to come between you and that.”

“But that’s just it,” Becca said, her voice tinged with regret. “You haven’t. I think I let my fear of forgetting her keep me from getting close to you. And now, with the baby on the way, I don’t want to keep behaving that way. I want you to be a part of this, Ciara. I want you to be a part of my life, and the baby’s life.”

Ciara’s eyes welled up with tears, and she squeezed Becca’s hand.

“Becca, I’ve always wanted that, but I didn’t want to push you. I know how much you miss your mom, and I didn’t want to step into a role that didn’t feel right for you. You are a beautiful, grown up woman, you don’t need me to be ‘Mommy’, but I can and will always be there for you.”

Becca shook her head, tears filling her own eyes now. “It’s not about replacing my mom. No one could ever do that. But you’re here, and you’ve been here for Dad, for me, for all of us. I’ve been so blind to that, and I’m sorry.”

Ciara smiled through her tears, her heart clearly touched by Becca’s words. “Thank you, honey. That means more to me than you know. You know, you and I have more in common than either of us realized. You’re about to become a first-time mother, and I’m a first-time stepmother. Maybe… maybe that’s something we can navigate together.”

Becca wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I’d love that.” She let out a small, relieved laugh. “I could definitely use the help. I’m terrified, to be honest. There’s so much I don’t know, and I feel like I’m going to be stumbling through it all.”

“You’re not alone in that,” Ciara said gently. “Every mother feels that way, especially the first time around. But you’re going to be a great mom, Becca. You’ve got a big heart, and you’re stronger than you realize.”

Becca leaned in to hug Ciara tightly.

“Thank you, Ciara. I’m really glad we had this talk.”

Ciara hugged her back, holding on for a moment longer. “Me too. And Becca, I want you to know, I’ve always admired how you’ve kept your mom’s memory alive. She was a wonderful woman, and I’m honored to be a part of your life, even if it’s in a different way. Julia Powell will always be with you, your brothers and your father. We’ll make sure of it.”

Becca pulled back slightly, looking into Ciara’s eyes. “She would have liked you, Ciara. She always wanted me to be happy, and I know she’d want us to be close.”

Ciara’s eyes shimmered with emotion. “That means a lot to me, Becca. I promise, I’ll do my best to be there for you and the baby. And I’m here for anything you need, whether it’s help, advice, a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to talk to.”

“Thank you,” Becca said softly, wiping away her tears. “I’d like that, a lot.”

The two women sat there for a moment, the bond between them growing stronger with each word spoken. It wasn’t a replacement for the bond Becca had with her mother, but it was something new, something just as valuable.

Becca gave Ciara one last hug before heading toward the door. As she walked downstairs to the store, she felt a sense of peace. The conversation hadn’t erased the past, but it had opened the door to a new future, one where she and Ciara could truly be a family.


Chelsea kept pushing Stella away from the table as she tried to finish wrapping Christmas presents. Most of the time, her cat sat on the lanai’s outdoor furniture, but whenever something as exciting as ribbons and tissue paper appeared on the dining room table, it was too much temptation to resist. With a determined swat of her paw, Stella sent another ribbon spiraling to the floor.

“Stella, you’re incorrigible!” Chelsea laughed, scooping up the ribbon for the third time. She tied it neatly around a box and set it aside, finally giving up chasing the inevitable.

The scent of roast chicken filled the house, mingling with the aroma of rosemary and garlic. The chicken had been roasting for the past hour, and Chelsea had prepared mashed potatoes, sautéed green beans with almonds, and a cranberry-walnut salad to accompany it. The warmth from the oven combined with the twinkling Christmas lights made the house feel cozy and festive.

But despite the cozy setting, a knot of worry had taken residence in Chelsea’s stomach. She hadn’t seen Steven much lately—he’d been distant, busier than usual, and it was hard not to let her mind wander to darker places.

The last conversation she had with Maggie replayed in her head, where she had confided her fears that Steven might be pulling away, that he might even be thinking of ending things.

Maybe tonight is the night he’ll tell me, she thought, her stomach tightening with anxiety.

She put the wrapping paper away, and as she set the table for two, glanced at the clock. Steven would be arriving any minute now. She always looked forward to their evenings together, but tonight felt different—there was an inexplicable flutter of nerves in her body, a sense of foreboding that she couldn’t shake.