He smiled, “Didn’t you know there are always exceptions to the rule?” he teased.
She smiled and nodded, pleased to see he had a sense of humor.
As they started walking along the shore, the conversation initially focused on safe topics: Captiva Island weather, the latest island gossip, and the upcoming holidays.
“I’m not sure if you know this, but I think your mother and my stepmother have been trying to get you and I together,” he said.
“Together, as in dating?” she asked.
He nodded. “Exactly. Are you surprised?” he asked.
Katie rolled her eyes and sighed. “I didn’t know, but I’m not surprised at all. If you knew my mother, you wouldn’t be either.”
“How do you feel about it?” he asked.
The question was too direct for her, and she didn’t want to commit to anything yet.
He laughed. “Too much, too soon?” he asked.
She smiled and nodded. “Let’s leave it at that for now.”
“Understood,” he responded.
“So…Powell Water Sports, you must love working outdoors all day. I know I would if I had your job,” she said.
He nodded. “Absolutely. I don’t think I could ever sit behind a desk all day. I need to move, and I love being in the sun. What about your work?” he asked.
“I’m out and about a lot, but I’m also on my cellphone day and night, and don’t get me started on meetings.”
“Sounds like you work seven days a week? Don’t you allow for some down time?”
“I’m here with you right now, aren’t I?” she said.
He smiled. “I’m honored.”
She shrugged. “I know it’s a lot, but I guess I’m just wired that way. I have a harder time relaxing than most.”
“You seem pretty relaxed to me,” he pointed out.
She smiled and thought about that. “I guess I am.”
There was a brief pause as they both walked in silence, the waves gently lapping at their feet. Katie found herself wondering what Luke was thinking. Was this just a casual outing for him, or was there something more to it? She couldn’t tell, and that made her feel slightly off-balance. It wasn’t a feeling she was used to.
Finally, Luke broke the silence. “So, I’ve been thinking, and please don’t think your mother and Ciara have anything to do with this…but…”
“Uh-oh, should I be nervous?” she asked.
He laughed, “No, this will be painless, I promise.”
“I’ve got this wedding to attend in a few weeks. It’s kind of a last-minute thing, and I wondered if you’d like to go with me?”
Katie stopped walking for a moment, turning to look at him.
“A wedding? Whose wedding?”
She couldn’t wait to hear how he would explain Meredith to her.
“My ex-girlfriend’s actually,” Luke admitted as he seemed to search her face for a reaction.”