“What’s so funny?” she asked.
He shrugged. “I don’t know, it seems silly that everyone is so worked up about this Linda person. How can one person have so much power over an entire group of mature women?”
“You haven’t met Linda yet, but you will soon. Just be prepared—everything you and I prepare for the book club get-together will be inspected and criticized.”
Oliver shook his head. “No one gets to do that to my creations, Iris. I don’t care who this woman thinks she is. But why in the world would you all invite her to be in the book club?”
Iris explained to Oliver about Linda’s past attempts to start a book club, all of which had failed. “She’s going to see this as a personal failure and take it to heart. I can’t blame her, really. It’s just that Linda rubs so many people the wrong way. No one wanted to join a book club with such a controlling, and miserable person at the helm.”
“And you all think this book club will be different because…?”
Iris paused, realizing Oliver had a point. It was up to the women in the book club to put a stop to Linda’s controlling ways once and for all. With strength in numbers, surely the book club members could put Linda in her place. If not, Oliver’s words might prove prophetic, and the book club, no matter who started it, would surely fail.
Iris couldn’t find Maggie, but she found Paolo in the garden. “Hey Paolo, I’m looking for Maggie. I haven’t seen her all morning.”
“That’s because she went back to the hospital.”
“Oh, is there news on the MRI yet?”
“No, it’s not that, although she’s going to stop in to the check with the doctor to see if he has the results. I would have gone with her, but she’s meeting someone about a volunteer cancer support group. I don't know too much about it, but she seemed excited to learn more, so I encouraged her to look into it. Hopefully, while she’s there, she’ll get some good news.”
“I hope so too. Thanks for letting me know.”
“Should I tell her you’re looking for her?”
“No, that’s fine. I’ll catch up with her later.”
Iris walked to the gazebo where Oliver was waiting for her. Suddenly, the Linda St. James problem didn’t seem so important.
“Is everything okay?” he asked.
“Yes, of course, why?”
“You look like you’ve heard bad news, that’s all.”
She sat in the chair across from him and smiled.
“I’m sure everything will be all right. I’m just worried about Maggie. I think we all are.”
Oliver shook his head. “I don’t understand. Why is everyone worried about Maggie?”
Iris looked at him and realized no one told him about Maggie’s cancer.
“Maggie had breast cancer. She had surgery, chemo and radiation and seemed to beat it, but now they think the cancer might have returned. She’s been having tests, so we’re all waiting for definitive news.”
Stunned, Oliver felt terrible. “I had no idea, she never said…but then again, why would she?”
Iris nodded. “The first time it happened, I think she didn’t want to talk about it, but this time, she seems more open to sharing her feelings with all of us. Her family up north and Sarah, of course, have been calling and staying in touch. They’re very worried.”
“I can imagine. You’d never know she was going through such a difficult time. She’s got a great attitude.”
Iris smiled. “Maggie says having a positive attitude makes all the difference. I will say it feels like everyone has hit the pause button and won’t move again until Maggie gets the results. However, something is different about Maggie this time. I’m not sure what it is, but it feels like she has a different perspective on the whole thing. She certainly has kept busy. I imagine the distractions are a good thing.”
Iris and Oliver spent the next hour enjoying a light lunch with iced tea and conversation. He enjoyed the new, slower pace of his job, and found Iris delightful to work with. This new position was better than he’d anticipated, and everyone he’d encountered on Captiva Island was pleasant and welcoming.
He hated what Maggie was going through and wished there was something he could do to help her through this latest health scare. For now, he rested in the knowledge that she was surrounded by so many who loved her dearly.
Maggie walked into the hospital cafeteria and looked for Gretchen Potter. She’d answered Maggie’s call earlier in the day and was happy to meet to talk about the volunteer program. She’d first stopped in to see Dr. Renolt, and although he didn’t have the results of her MRI, he said he’d get them within the hour. The timing was perfect and she felt her time with Gretchen would settle her shaking nerves.