“And we’ll have sorbet too,” Iris added.
Lexi looked like she was part of the meeting, turning her head to look at each person speaking.
Maggie was pleased with the menu and the way Oliver and Iris were getting along.
“Great. I think we’ve got everything covered. I like to keep things light without alcohol for something like this, so let’s stick to iced tea and lemonade.”
Maggie spent a few more minutes discussing the finer details—timing, serving logistics, and how the kitchen would be set up on the day of the event. Oliver reassured her that everything would run smoothly and that she wouldn’t have to worry about a thing.
“Thanks, you two. I’ve got more planning to do, so I’ll catch up with you later,” Maggie said, getting up from the table.
Oliver nodded, closed his notebook, and then looked at Iris. “I think you and I need a trip to the market.”
Iris smiled. “Ready whenever you are.”
Oliver looked at Lexi, who watched his every move. “I can’t take you with me, but I promise a nice treat when we get back.”
It was as if the dog understood Oliver’s words. Lexi got down from his lap and ran to her bed in the corner of the kitchen.
“Good girl,” he said softly, walking to give her one last pat on the head, before grabbing his keys and following Iris out the door.
Maggie smiled at Lexi. “You like him, too, don’t you girl?"
Her tail wagging slightly as if to say she understood, Lexi put her head down and settled in for a nap.
Already with several items in his cart, Oliver walked up the aisle in Jerry’s Market, looking for Iris. Holding up a small, dark chocolate candy bar, Iris looked like she’d found gold.
“I love these things. I don’t know who makes them, but they’re the best.”
“Austria,” Oliver responded. “They’re made in Austria, and you’re right, they’re fantastic.”
“That’s what I love about this store. It has the most interesting gourmet items that you can’t get anywhere else,” Iris said. “My only problem is having the patience to wait until I’ve paid for this before eating it. I suppose it wouldn’t look good to hand the check-out person just the wrapper with no candy in it?” she asked Oliver.
He smiled at her. “Uh, no, it wouldn’t, but I tell you what, how about when we finish shopping we enjoy a nice lunch under the gazebo back at the inn? We don’t have any guests to take care of, why not relax a little before it gets too busy?”
“That sounds great. Heaven knows we’re going to be crazy busy when Maggie’s family gets here.”
“Even before then with your book club,” he reminded her.
They finished shopping at Jerry’s and returned to the inn as Millie came running to meet them, her eyes wide with excitement.
“Iris, did you hear about Linda?”
“No, what happened?”
“She’s coming on Sunday to our book club get-together.”
“Oh, that’s not good,” Iris said. “If she’s coming home early, that can only mean one thing: she’s mad and we’re all about to hear about it. Do the others know?” Iris asked.
“I called Sarah, who was going to call her grandmother, and then I called Ciara to let her know. I can’t find Maggie or Chelsea, but I think it might be better if Maggie calls Claire. Claire will get in touch with everyone else.”
Iris nodded. “Okay, let me see what I can find out and hopefully get Maggie to handle this. You calm down, Millie. There’s no point in getting stressed about something that hasn’t happened yet.”
“Easy for you to say. You’ve never been in the path of Hurricane Linda St. James,” Millie said as she walked out of the kitchen.
Iris looked at Oliver, who was laughing.