“Whoa, calm down,” Beth said as she came through the front door. “What in the world made you so upset?”
“Hey, Beth. I have no idea exactly who I should be upset with to be honest. Come and take a look at what I found.”
Becca opened her laptop and brought up Captiva’s tourist website.
“Ha! How did that happen?” Beth asked.
“I have no idea. It’s not like my father to make such a big deal of this. Did you read the caption under my picture?”
Beth read the words aloud. “Guess who is getting married? Becca Powell is set to marry Christopher Wheeler in what the islanders are calling ‘The Wedding of the Year.’ Oh, my.”
“Right and look at the photo below that,” Becca insisted.
Beth moved in closer to the monitor. “Is that you on top of that float?”
Becca felt like hiding under the kitchen table. “Yes. Unfortunately, my mother wanted me to be Captiva’s Christmas Queen and entered me in the contest when I was fifteen. For three years I held the title until I demanded that she stop submitting my application. It’s embarrassing, Beth.”
Beth pulled up a chair on the other side of the table. “They certainly are making a fuss about your wedding,” Beth said.
“That’s just it. My wedding is going to ruin your wedding. I don’t know who’s responsible for this but there is no mention of you and Gabriel at all.”
“Small blessings,” Beth mumbled under her breath.
“I’m serious, Beth. I never wanted all this attention. What am I going to do?” Becca asked.
“I’m guessing the white horse and carriage is out?”
Becca glared at Beth and her attempt at humor.
“I’m sorry. I know if the roles were reversed, I’d be as upset as you. I guess the first thing is to find out how this happened and talk to whomever is responsible about how we are working to keep the wedding small and more of a private celebration.”
“You’re right. If I don’t, I might find a parade in my honor when I go back home. Anyway, enough about the wedding, what are you doing here? I thought you’d be on your way home from work. How long does it take for you to get to Gabriel’s house during rush hour?”
“About an hour, but I wanted to stop in to see Chris if he’s around.”
“He’s not home yet, but he should be any minute.”
“Great. If you don’t mind, I’ll sneak a peek at the inside of your refrigerator for something to eat. I’m starving. I told Gabriel not to wait dinner for me.”
“Help yourself, and I think I just saw Chris’ car pull up.”
Christopher joined Beth and Becca and threw several pamphlets onto the kitchen table. He kissed Becca and turned to his sister.
“Already unhappy with the new living situation, sis? Too bad because Becca and I don’t want you moving back in.”
“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t want to live with you again either.” Looking at Becca, she asked, “Are you still picking his clothes up off the floor?”
Becca laughed. “Unfortunately.”
“If you don’t miss us, then why are you here?”
“Because, silly. Remember how we talked about starting a Foundation in Erin’s name? I know we’ve been busy with the wedding and stuff, but I want you and I to think about starting it at the first of the year. We have been putting it on the backburner for too long.”
Christopher nodded. “You’re right, and I feel bad about it. Let’s brainstorm when you’ve got time.”
Beth put her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes. “Um, hello? No time like the present.”
Christopher laughed. “Okay. I know when you get that look in your eyes there’s no point in saying no. Let’s have dinner and then sit down and figure out how we’re going to make this thing happen.”