“Step outside. It’ll warm up soon.”
Lola held open the door as Lorelei walked back into the garage, stopping in front of Mac. A corner of Lola’s mouth lifted as he watched Mac remove the shawl from her shoulders, tucking it under his arm, most likely daring her to reach for it.
Finally, Mac hung the receiver back on the hook. “What are you griping about now?”
“You turn my office into a freezer and didn’t even come in there to warm me up.” She batted her eyes, mocking a sweet, inviting look.
“I figured that temper of yours had you warmed up,” he shot back, wrapping the material he held around her neck.
She reached for it, adjusting the scarf how she liked, and smiled. “I may be willing to let you make it up to me.”
“Oh, I plan on that woman, get upstairs.” He slapped her ass spinning her toward the stairs at the rear of the garage.
“Hold up,” Lola spoke up. Lorelei stopped and glanced his way as Mac glared at him. “Keep it in your pants a minute, old man. I have a serious question.”
“I’ll teach you about the birds and bees later, son. Handle the shop.”
Lola laughed along with Mac, turning his attention to his father’s girlfriend. That scarf thing.”
“Yeah?” She fingered the soft material hugging her neck.
“You can wear it and wrap up in it? Is it like warm enough for a cool evening?” Lola asked, studying the way it hung effortlessly down her chest.
“Not warm enough for his antics,” she joked. “I love this. It’s versatile and classy. Perfect to always have on hand.” She tilted her head. “You want one?”
He nodded. “I think so. Where do I find one?”
“What color do you want?”
His eyes shot to hers. “I don’t know. Maybe green.”
She smiled and told him, “I’ll pick one up for you. Don’t worry about it.”
“Thanks,” he told her an instant before Mac maneuvered her toward the stairs again.
Chapter 14
“Something smells good,” Lola commented as he walked into the kitchen.
“Mia has been cooking before the sun came up,” Amber told him. “Have a seat. I’ll get you some coffee.”
Lola pulled back a chair and dropped into it.
“I can’t believe you slept this late,” Amber said as she placed a mug in front of him.
Lola chuckled. “I can’t either. But I took full advantage of this rare opportunity.”
“I hear that.”
Lola savored the coffee. Nothing better than a rich brew unless it had bourbon in it. And that was another rare commodity these days. He had to be ready to roll at a moment’s notice. “You two ready for the day?”
“I’m spending the day here. Mostly because I’m curious.”
“Curious? It’s Thanksgiving. Food, fun, and football. Just like anyone else’s Thanksgiving.”
Amber rolled her eyes. “Duh.”
“So how did you usually spend the holiday?”