Page 18 of Prospect Year

The delivery went down with ease just as Mac said it would. With the contraband unloaded, and the extra deal agreed upon, Lola took payment.

“As always, the quality here is outstanding. I like the branching out. I can definitely handle more of this level quality and craftmanship,” he commented, examining one of the custom knives. “Mac and I go way back. Managed to cause all sorts of trouble back in the day. Hell, we went in the service together.” The last of his words faded as he turned and narrowed his eyes on Lola. “How do you know Mac again?” he slowly asked, cocking his head to the side.

“Met him when I had a little run-in with the club a few years ago. Now, here I am,” Lola told him.

“That’s why you look familiar,” Ellison announced.

“How’s that?”

“You could pass for Mac about thirty years ago. You sure you’re not related?”

A knot punched Lola in the gut, but he forced back his reaction and managed to give a grin. “Well, then, he must have been one sexy beast back in his day.”

The man barked out a laugh, slapping a heavy hand on Lola’s shoulder. “Damn, boy. You fit right in.”

Lola ended the meeting and settled back into the truck, slowly making his way through the dark. No matter what, Ellison’s words echoed in his mind. He turned back onto the road and hit the headlights. He was now headed home. It had been a long day. His mind was twisting things. He doesn’t resemble Mac. Not now nor thirty years ago.

He still couldn’t shake Ellison’s declaration as he neared town. He needed to return the truck. He pushed out a breath. No, it could wait until morning. Apparently, he was not thinking clearly. Mac wouldn’t be expecting it until then anyway. He glanced toward the clock on his phone. The clubhouse was close. He’d crash there and wake up with a clear head and get the truck back to the garage before Mac arrived. It wouldn’t be much sleep. But it’d be more than if he drove home tonight.

Chapter 9

Mia draped her scarf around her neck and pulled open her door. Since Lola had discovered her scars, she didn’t always loop it around to cover her throat, but she did keep it with her in case someone came in. Lola. She smiled. She loved how he made her feel. Not just that, it was the way she felt about herself when she was near him. Free to be herself, even though they had strained communication, she was comfortable when he was near.

His door was open. Mia smiled. He had beaten her downstairs for coffee. She glanced into his room as she passed. She turned and walked to his nightstand. Odd that he didn’t carry the thermos down with him. She had left it there for him the night before. Surely, he had noticed it. Oh well. She scooped it up. It was still weighted. She lifted her shoulders and turned to head to the kitchen.

She hurried down to the kitchen and poured it into the sink. She glanced toward the still empty coffee pot and back to the thermos in her hand.

“Hey, girl, what’s up?”

Mia snapped her head toward Amber.

“You’re staring at the thermos like it’s about to attack you.”

Mia placed the container into the sink and began signing.

“Whoa. Slow down. I’m trying to learn this.”

Mia held up the thermos and pointed up.

“Okay.” Amber’s voice trailed off.

Mia shook her head. Amber must think she’s lost her mind. She inhaled. How do I explain? She held up three fingers then pointed to Amber, herself, and up.

“Me, you, and Tim.”

Mia nodded.

“I know it wasn’t me. What did he do?”

Mia folded her hands by her cheek.

“Still asleep?”

Mia shook her head.

“Okay. I’ve picked up a few things. Just go slow,” Amber told her.

Mia spelled out Tim’s name along with a couple of extra motions.