“Nope, that is the last thing on my mind, but you do make an interesting point. I was thinking more along the lines of … what are you going to do around the full moon?” Franny asked.
Harper finished with the whipped cream and handed the canister over to Franny. It didn’t matter how much whipped cream she added, Franny always, always, always wanted more. She had no problems with providing.
“What about the full moon? It’s not for a couple of weeks, and I’ll do what I usually do—have a run, come home, eat, and go to sleep.”
Franny clicked her tongue, and it looked like she wanted to say something more.
“Just out with it,” Harper said.
“You’ve clearly not thought about it.”
“Just tell me.”
Franny took a sip of her hot chocolate. “This is good.”
She waited.
“Fine, fine, fine. You’ve seen what other mated couples are like, right? My parents, several of the pack members.”
“Yeah, so?”
“You’ve never been near Mateo when you’ve been in that position. You’re older now, and it’s not like your first transition. What if she, or the two wolves, are drawn together? Like, they just can’t help themselves?”
“My wolf is not a big friend of Mateo right now.”
“Yeah, right now, and she hasn’t been near him during the full moon. It might be something you want to talk to my mom about. She might be able to shed some light on the subject.”
Harper looked at her friend and offered a smile.
This didn’t sound good.
Franny was no good at helping him. Silver was always busy. His father hadn’t been able to impose much words of wisdom, which meant the only person he could go to was Lemon.
He didn’t want to be seen as showing the alpha’s wife too much attention, but so far, she was the only person willing to give him the time of day.
“Evening,” he said.
Lemon was elbows-deep in her vegetable garden. He already saw a basketful of tomatoes, garlic, zucchini, and several other herbs and vegetables.
“Mateo,” Lemon said. “I didn’t expect to see you back so soon.”
He forced a smile to his lips. “I’ve come to pick your brain once again.”
“Things didn’t go well with Harper?” she asked.
“I was able to find her, but she didn’t exactly want to be found.”
“Believe it or not, it does make sense. When she came to the pack, poor girl, she barely spoke a word. She was so heartbroken and was in a great deal of pain.”
“Pain?” he asked.
Lemon chuckled, sitting back on her heels and then brushing the excess dirt off her hands. “You know it was her first time going through the transition?”
“Yes, I’m aware.”
The woman in front of him clicked her tongue, and he knew he’d clearly said something to rattle her cage.