Page 38 of Merciful Lies

So, it was just me, Giselle, Nico, Luc, and Angel.

I wept like a broken thing. Hiccupping and sobbing until Nico picked me up and carried me out of there.

He held me the whole ride home and put me to bed. Him carrying me was becoming a thing, and normally I’d be freaking out.

I mean, I’m a big girl. But Nico was bigger than me. Clearly, he could pick my chubby ass up like I was a sack of potatoes and not think twice about it.

I think I’m actually getting used to it. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it. Usually, he left me in the bed to sleep alone. But not that day.

Nico crawled in under the covers with me, and he just held me in silence.

It was exactly what I needed at the time. But I feel so confused now. I don’t know what to make of him.

This man. My husband.

Walking to the large closet I bite my lip and look through the dozens of new clothes Nico had me order.

Smoke and water damage ruined pretty much everything I had in my old place. I couldn’t walk around naked, so I gave in without a fight.

Besides, my belly is only getting bigger. And maternity clothes were cute as fuck.

July is just so fucking hot and sitting in the penthouse, no matter how luxurious is still just sitting around. I’m uncomfortable. I need movement.

The idea of going out alone isn’t really appealing, especially since the fire department confirmed arson. I mean, I don’t know who’d actually want to hurt me, but I can’t risk it.

So, until I broach the subject with Nico, I’ll stay put.

It’s a little better now that I found Nico’s rooftop swimming pool. I mean, his condo is technically the penthouse, but I didn’t know that meant he owned the roof amenities too.

I go to check in with Arnold, using the intercom on the wall.

He’s security, but his position is outside the front door. Nico won’t have anyone in the house while I’m here alone, and I appreciate that.

“I’m going swimming, Arnold,” I tell him.

“Roger that, Mrs. Fury. Want me to open the roof?”

“Yes, please.”

“You got it, Ma’am.”

I chuckle at him calling me ma’am. Hands on my back, I walk up the spiral staircase, a towel slung over my arm.

It’s only like nine stairs to the door leading to the pool, but I take them slowly. Ever since I got pregnant my equilibrium has been completely off.

I push the door open and smile as the ceiling retracts, allowing fresh air to swirl about, and sunshine to rain down on half of the crystal clear pool.

My cell phone chimes. I pluck it from the pocket of the robe I’m wearing and I read a message from Giselle.


So, what does a girl wear when going to the Vipers’ Den?


What the what now? Why are you going there?
