“The quilt on the bed, did you make that? And the pillowcases?” he asks, and I see him piecing it together.
“Yeah,” I tell him shyly.
“Holy shit, Anna. That's fucking awesome. You’re an artist.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“I would. Everything you make is beautiful. Why didn't you tell me before?”
“I wasn’t trying to keep it from you, it just never came up,” I tell him the truth.
Usually, when Nico and I are in the same room, it’s all I can do to remember my own name. The man makes my brain fuzzy.
“Alright, well, we can set up a whole sewing workroom for you right here. We have the space,” he says nonchalantly.
Like this isn’t some life altering big deal.
I learned to sew as a kid, but my father never took it seriously. I don’t think Sammy ever mentioned it at all unless he needed me to hem something.
Excitement hums in my brain, and I think of all the pretty things I’ve been wanting to try out for the baby’s room. Which is something else we need to talk about.
“We do? Um, what about a nursery?” I ask.
“I thought the bedroom next to ours would work. What do you think?” he asks.
And when he sits beside me, I tell him what I think. And he listens.
For the first time in my life, someone listens to what I have to say and I feel important. I feel cherished. Like I matter.
Nico doesn’t dismiss me or my opinions. He encourages them. He asks questions about what I need and what I like.
“You would really do all this for me?”
“Yeah, of course I would, Rosebud.”
“Why?” I have to know.
He’s floored me with all this. I am so full of emotions, I’m near to bursting. My heart is right there on my sleeve, and I can hardly see him for the tears filling my eyes.
“Because, Anna, you’re my wife. You’re the mother of my child.”
Nico stands up, taking our empty plates and loading them into the sink. Then he turns back to look at me, his blue eyes blazing.
“But most of all, it’s because I love you, Anna Fury.”
Nico disappears as tears fill my eyes, I drop my gaze hiccupping as I openly sob like a complete idiot.
But he’s there suddenly, his strong arms around me, grounding me, supporting me.
He tips my head back, wiping my tears.
“I love you.”
He says it again and I can’t hold it in anymore.
“I love you, too,” I reply, and I throw myself at him.
Thank fuck the king of Vipers is fast as he is strong. I smile through my tears as Nico kisses me sweetly, murmuring his love for me the whole while.