How soft and warm she felt.
I can’t wait to fuck her again.
She thinks this is only about the baby, but it’s not. It’s about her.
A primordial wave of possession takes root and I revel in it. I allow it to grow unhindered.
I encourage it to wrap around every rotten inch of my soul as I come, my release splashing across the shower wall.
Anna is mine now. And I’m never letting go.
The bakery is dark when we get there. But that’s not unusual. I look around with mixed feelings.
This place is chock full of memories for me. Good times and bad. Times when Dad was stressed out and missing Mom so much, he just fell down the rabbit hole that was drinking and gambling.
I was left to watch out for my little brother and now, in this place, I feel like such a failure.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper as I walk behind the counter and touch my fingertips to the old, framed photo of the four of us together.
The picture shows me and Sammy in costumes holding plastic jack-o-lantern buckets, so I know it’s Halloween.
I hear the men moving around, but I’m stuck in the past for another minute. Someone opens the door to my office and the protest of the hinges brings my head up.
Nico wanted to be here before the first shift came in. So, it’s three in the morning, and I’m tired, but I need to see this through.
Angel is with us. Luc, too. There are a couple of other men, but I think they’re just bodyguards or something. They are wearing all black and seem to stand at intentionally spaced intervals.
I don’t know what it is about those inked up monsters, but for some reason, I feel safe around them. Maybe it’s because they don’t look at me for too long.
They don’t ask why their king has chosen me. I’m very well aware I’m not the kind of woman a man like Nico Fury would marry.
I haven’t found the courage yet to ask how long he plans for us to be wed, but I will.
For now, I’m content to let him take the lead. There is something deeply freeing in placing my life, and the life of our unborn baby, into his large, tattooed hands.
I know I should run screaming. Or object to his bullying me into marrying him. And sleeping in his bed.
But he’s treated me with respect so far, and crazy or not, I feel safe with him.
I feel other things too, but I don’t look too closely at that.
It’s just hormones.
Well, probably.
I make eye contact with one of the bodyguards, and he quickly turns away. I know it’s because of my husband.
I don’t think it would be in anyone’s best interest to look at Nico Fury’s wife too closely. Not because he loves me or anything. More likely, it’s because of his reputation.
When I was in Florida, I spent some time scrolling through old newspaper and online articles through my library membership online.
Nico Fury’s name comes up quite often in the news. If I believe everything I read, I would have no choice but to think he’s insane.
But it’s all just speculation. Money laundering, drugs, gambling, real estate schemes.