“Hello, Brooke!” and “Oh, so, she’s Brooke,” was the response, and I was both shy and confused.

What did they mean by “she’s Brooke?” I looked at Asher, and he avoided my gaze as he grabbed a beer as well and approached another group.

“Yeah,” Jax said as he looked at them. Was it some sort of an inside joke?

“Hi,” I greeted softly, and they all welcomed me, but I couldn’t shake off the feeling that they already knew who I was.

“You can hang out with anyone you want; they’re all nice people,” Jax told me as he took a sip of his drink. Well, okay, this should be simple. I basically talked to strangers almost every day for work.

“Come, I’ll introduce you to the wife club. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll join them.” He winked, and I laughed as I rolled my eyes. Man, Jax was really forward.

“Thank you for the offer, but I think I’ll go introduce myself,” I told him, and he looked at me for a second before he nodded and motioned toward the women, and I walked away from him.

“Hey, pretty girl, I was wondering when you would get away from that player,” one of the women said, and I laughed as I pointed to the empty chair, and they all nodded, allowing me to sit down.

“So, you’re Brooke, huh?” another one questioned, and I nodded.

“Yes, I am Brooke. From your tone, it seems I’m already known?”

“Oh, we know all about you - the careless neighbor. I’m Maya,” the first woman introduced herself.

“And I’m Natalie.”

“Judie and June are the twins,” Maya pointed to the women who stood by the grill, and they waved their hands.

“And the one on babysitting duty today is Toni; she’ll join us in a few,” Natalie said.

“Well, nice to meet you all.”

“There’s more of us, but some probably sneaked off with their husbands. Those horny bitches.” Maya rolled her eyes, and I laughed.

“So, is it true you almost set your apartment on fire?” Natalie had a bit of an accent, and I groaned as I covered my face.

“Of course he would tell everyone.”

“Oh, no, no; he told Jax, and Jax told everyone. Asher ought to know better,” Maya told me, and I giggled. Jax did seem like someone who had a loose mouth.

“I met my husband after starting a small fire; oh, he was pissed!” Natalie rolled her eyes, and raised her eyebrow at me. “Was Asher pissed?”

“Furious! He even started a petition to get me kicked out of my apartment,” I told them, and they gasped.

“Now, we don’t know that little bit of information. So, will you be getting kicked out?”

“I don’t know, it’s been a while since he sent me an update.”

“Oh, he’s warming up to you!” Maya squealed, and I shook my head.

“The man hates me, and I believe that is his part time job; there’s no warmth there,” I told them, and they gave each other a look before laughing.

“Firemen like to act pissed, but they’re actually really big softies,” Natalie said as if it were a fact, and I was pretty sure they had never met Asher before.

“You guys sound like you don’t know Asher; the only time I’ve ever seen him crack a smile is when he told me that he was gonna get me kicked out, and every other time he reminded me of his insane plans.”

“No, sweetie, you’re the one who doesn’t know him. Asher is a nice man.” Maya shrugged, and my eyes widened.

“And he’s never going to get you kicked out. If I know Asher, and I have for the past five years, he threw away that petition, and that’s why you haven’t gotten any updates.”

“Don’t give me hope, bestie,” I took a sip of my beer, and they laughed.