“Actually, I have work tomorrow, so yes, I will catch a ride with you.” Marie hugged me and gently rubbed my back; it took all that was in me not to break out in tears right there and then.

“Thanks, you guys, for helping me; let me escort you to the garage,” I offered, and they both declined, letting me know that the elevator was a far enough distance for them.

“Text me once you’re home,” I said as the elevator doors closed, and they waved as a response. Once the doors were fully closed, I breathed out a long breath as I felt the exhaustion take over my body.

I decided to run myself a hot bath the moment I entered my apartment, because I finally had a bathtub with a shower! The apartment was spacious and perfect for a single woman. I couldn’t wait to decorate it according to my tastes.

My friends had helped me organize the place a bit, but there was still so much work that had to be done.

As I was about to go to get into my bath, I noticed my new scented candles that I had bought for myself to relax. I decided to light them up and place them around the apartment. The jasmine and lime scented candles smelled amazing once lit, and I could feel myself slip into a relaxing mood.

I took my clothes off in my bedroom, enjoying the mood I had set up in my new apartment. There was no better way to end the day than a hot bath, lit candles, and bubbly.

It feels so good to be a girl!

I walked into the bathroom and was enveloped by the steam in the bathroom; the temperature was just right, and I knew my body would thank me for it by immediately passing out the moment I got into bed. As I was about to soak my body in the bathtub, I realized I didn’t have my body wash, and I quickly wrapped a towel around my body and walked back to the kitchen, where most of my boxes were.

The cold air hit me immediately, and I rushed through the boxes, wanting to return to my hot bath. Joy filled me when I found my grapefruit and lime body wash—yes, I liked lime a bit too much.

As I stood up straight, it felt like everything was happening in slow motion as I knocked over the lit candle into the wrapper-filled box that I had meant to throw away earlier. FUCK!

I watched the papers that had protected my ceramics be the very same that almost burnt down my apartment, but I was quick. I grabbed the cup that Marie was drinking water with and tossed the contents into the box, and my eyes widened as a scream left my lips. The flames grew! They grew?

I quickly sniffed the cup, and my eyes widened in horror when I realized that she was drinking champagne, not water. Double fucking fuck!

The blaring fire alarm was set off, and I glitched in my spot as I tried to put the fire out while simultaneously trying to switch the fire alarm off, but I froze as the smell of smoke quickly filled up my apartment.

I couldn’t move. Why can’t I move?

The next few seconds happened in a blur. The loud bangs against the door made me lift my head, and I watched in shock as the door fell on the ground with a sharp noise.

A man appeared with a fire extinguisher in hand, and white foam appeared from the nozzle, extinguishing the fire.

“What the fuck where you thinking just standing there, huh?” Just like five years ago, I stood and watched instead of acting sooner. Why do I always do that? “Hello? I’m talking to you!”

Why am I so weak? I almost burnt down my apartment on my first day, and all I did was stand there.

“Lady. You do know that the lease clearly states that you can’t light up this many scented candles in your apartment, right? Besides, don’t you know that you shouldn’t fucking play with fire? You could’ve died!”

I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled my eyebrows together as I looked at the burly man who shouted at me. How did he get in he—I looked at my door and noticed that it was broken.

“You broke my fucking door?” I shouted back at him as I pointed at the door that was literally hanging by a single frame.

The man looked at me, confused, and he stared at the door for a second before his deep blue eyes found mine, and he scoffed, his frown deepening as he pointed to the box that almost ended my life.

“I just saved your life, and you’re worried about the fucking door?” he yelled, and his tone pissed me off, not allowing me to appreciate the fact that he was a hero who had saved my life and my apartment.

“Yes, I am worried about the fucking door! I just moved in; how the heck am I going to pay for it? You owe me a new door!”

He took a step back and looked me up and down. That was when I remembered that I was only wearing a towel, but my pride wouldn’t allow me to be embarrassed or remorseful. What was wrong with me?

“No,” he answered simply as he shook his head and walked toward my broken door.

“What do you mean, ‘no’? You owe me a door! I had it handled!” I yelled after him, and he pulled the door that was left on its last hinges and slammed it close, causing the rest of the broken frame to fall off.

He left? And all he had to say was “no.”
