“But when you get back from your date with your dad, I’ll be home. So come show me your nails, okay?”

“Okay!” Anne was happy that Brooke would be home by the time of our return. I had no idea why Anne loved Brooke so much.

Brooke was odd.

“Be good; see you later,” Brooke gently ruffled Anne’s hair and walked toward the receptionist desk. “Sasha, can I talk to you for a second?”

Sasha’s gentle assault on my hands stopped as she looked at me for permission to get up, and I nodded. They talked together, both facing the doors so I couldn’t exactly read their lips.

Out of sheer curiosity, I looked out the window and noticed that the tenant guy had left. Hmm, perhaps he was just waiting for someone.

Brooke smiled as she waved once more, leaving Anne and me behind for whatever her next engagement was.

The woman was really odd.

I’m pissed!

Anne couldn’t stop laughing as we walked back home after our dinner date, where I had actually contained my anger because my daughter had to be showered with praise like the princess she was.

However, when I remembered that we were finally heading home, my anger had been revived for that scornful woman who lived next door.

Oh, she was so problematic; I couldn’t wait for my payback.

How was I going to get her back? What she had done was extremely childish, and I knew it was her response for me calling her a desperate option, but I wasn’t lying. As attractive and sexy as Brooke was, she still wouldn’t be my first option to go for.

I actually had some sort of respect for her, and I thought I wanted her to leave—actually, I wasn’t so sure anymore—but what I knew for certain was that getting involved with her would only lead to trouble.

“Daddy, they’re not so bad,” Anne stifled her laughter as we walked into the elevator.

“Sweetheart, they are terrible,” I grumbled as I looked at my freshly painted yellow nails with smiley faces. Yellow nails and smiley faces! The best part of it all was that one nail had glitter on it.

I should’ve noticed something was wrong when Brooke left the store cackling after her light-brown eyes met mine. Terribly wrong. Even though Sasha should’ve asked me to confirm my neighbor’s crazy nail design suggestion, I still tipped her and her staff generously because my baby girl loved her nails.

Sasha apologized profusely and mentioned how Brooke convinced her that I was cool with the idea of colored nails.

I wasn’t!

“No, they’re pretty. Just like you, Daddy!” she complimented as she kissed my hand, and I smiled. Even though I was a traumatized jerk, I was truly blessed with an angel!

“And nobody is as gorgeous as you are, princess!” I picked her up and kissed her cheek while she squealed, begging me to put her down. “I love you.”

Even though I wasn’t the best father around, I made sure to remind my daughter that I loved her more than anything in the world and that she only deserved the best of the best.

That’s what her mother would’ve wanted.

“I love you.” She pecked my nose and I smiled. “Can I show Brooke my nails?” she asked upon seeing Brooke’s grey, vintage door.

“Yes, absolutely.” Ughh!

I put her down and knocked on Brooke’s door; we heard her response almost immediately, and Anne suggested that we both put our hands up so that Brooke could see our nails immediately.

I wanted to cut off my hands.

Brooke opened the door, revealing herself in her oversized pajamas and her brown hair tied in a bun at the top of her head, with her glasses riding low on the bridge of her nose.

Her eyes immediately noticed my nails first, and she bit her lips to stop herself from laughing as she kneeled down and took Anne’s hands in hers, cooing over them.

“Oh, my gosh, Anne! These are so pretty!” Brooke gushed as she studied the nail art. “I think I should get these done next time; do you like them?”