“But still. Maybe I shouldn’t have hung around you guys so much.”

“It wouldn’t change anything. I’m not mad at either of you,” I told her honestly as I took her hand in mine, softly rubbing her knuckles. “I’m hurt, but not mad.”

“Ugh, I’m gonna kill him,” she gritted, and I giggled.

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am! He took over the number one spot of most hated that Asher was reigning in. Asher is now number two.”

I groaned as I shook my head. Nobody would ever dethrone Asher from his royal seat.

“No, that man will always be the king of number one most hated. That throne belongs to Asher,” I told her, and she looked at me, confused.

“What did he do now?”

“He kicked me out of his apartment and said I would be a desperate option for him.”

“Wait, I’m confused. What are you talking about?”

Oh, I was hoping I could gloss over that part of my embarrassing night.

“Hmm, I kinda spent the night at Asher’s apartment,” I spoke softly, and Marie tilted her head to the side.


I got up from the couch and went to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

“Yeah, I slept in Asher’s bed last night. No big deal,” I shrugged as I drank the water, feeling incredibly thirsty.

“No big deal?” She laughed as she followed me into the kitchen, and I was unable to turn around to face her. I was so ashamed. “Why did you sleep at his place?”

“Sex?” I tried, afraid to tell her how I decided to get so shit-face drunk that I lost my keys.

“No,” she smiled as she leaned against the kitchen island, her scrutinizing eyes watching my every movement as I pretended to busy myself in the kitchen, but I really had nothing to do but watch as the muffins raised in the oven. “Brooke, why did you spend the night at Asher’s place? I could go over there and ask him myself.”

“Okay, fine! I got really drunk last night, and when I came back home, I tried to open my door, but I didn’t have my keys, and then Asher came out in the hall, and then I think I hit on him or something, and then I passed out by his door. When I woke up, I was in his bed, and he was kicking me out!”

I took a deep breath in as I watched her process everything I had just told her, and she looked around the kitchen, tilting her head and opening her mouth just to say nothing.

“So, he was friendly last night?”

“You’re not going to tell me I was irresponsible?” I whispered as I looked at her from under my lashes, and she rolled her eyes.

“Of course you were irresponsible, but Asher let you sleep at his place?”

“Yeah, and offered to find my apartment keys for me,” I spoke softly, and she nodded her head as she pushed herself off my kitchen counter.

“Would you look at that?” She had a mischievous smile on her face as she clapped her hands.

“What?” I asked, afraid as she approached me with her hands motioning in and out.

“One door closes and another opens on the same night.”

“Absolutely not; they better stay closed! Both of them!”

“You can’t fight it; you and Asher are going to be a thing.”
