Page 43 of No Going Back

Dex winced internally. Shit, he had been hoping to keep Sam out of this.

“The last op rattled him a little.” He wasn’t lying.

“I thought it might. Is that it?”

Dex was not going to mention Mira’s name, but he’d also learned you couldn’t hide too much from Sam. The man could see through steel.

“He has women issues. He’s sorting it out.”

“I saw he went to see Claire.”

“Yes. I didn’t mention it because it’s not a major issue.”

“Doesn’t have to be a major issue to affect the team, you know that. Is he good?”

“He’s good, Sam. I’ll pull him if that should change.”

Sam didn’t respond immediately, and Dex waited patiently. If Sam wanted to bench him, he could.

“Alright. It’s your call. You take care of him and Gomez, and I’ll take care of everyone back here.” Sam ended the call.

Dex looked up as Mackie poked his head in the door.

“Hey, boss, can I have a quick word?”

“Yeah, of course. What’s up?”

“I’m worried about Tyler.”

Wasn’t everyone? “Why?”

“You said to watch out for him. I don’t know what’s going on, but he’s not himself. He’s telling me he’s good, but he’s not.”

Dex already planned to talk to Tyler again, but it wouldn’t hurt to get his best friend’s perspective.

“Not good how?”

“He’s quiet. He’s distant. The range this morning, that wasn’t the Tyler we know. I’m not trying to rat him out, I’m just worried. This isn’t him. I’ve tried talking to him, but he claims everything is fine. Shutting me down.”

“Any idea what’s going on with him? You’re his best friend, you spend a lot of time with him.”

“I haven’t recently. He’s not been hanging with me or any of the team much lately. There’s obviously something happening with him and Mira. We all see it, but again he isn’t saying anything.”

Fuck. Maybe he should bench him.

“Do you think he’s good for this op?” Dex questioned.

“Whoa, that’s not my call.”

“I’m not asking you to make the call. I’m asking your opinion,” Dex said calmly. Ultimately, he would make the call on Tyler.

“Jeez, Dex. Really?”

“Yes, really.”

Mackie sighed. “His mind is wandering for sure. I know Tyler and I’ve never known him not to be focused when on a mission. If it’s a choice between running one short or running with him, I’d rather run with him.”

Dex nodded. “Good to know. Thanks for coming to me.”