Page 73 of Oath of Revenge

Wulfric stuck to the shadows along the wall of the building, but his gaze went to the big fire pit in the center of camp in front of the longhouse. A crowd had gathered, even though snow was falling steadily and the almost full moon was high. Growlers didn’t mind the elements as much as humans, although both wolves and their human forms walked through the camp.

All three Elders walked toward the bonfire, and the crowd parted for a few precious seconds. A flash of red drew his attention. Scarlet stood too close to the fire, daggers drawn and glare in place. His heart stopped and his breath turned into a low wheeze.

Hells, what was she doing here? The crowd closed ranks, and he lost sight of her. Panic clawed at him from the inside out.

The blood rushed to his head, cutting off the sound of the crowd chanting. His world seemed to tilt on its axis as his senses went haywire. Only when he sneezed was he able to snap out of it.

The Elders slammed their staffs onto the ground in unison, sending a shock wave through the camp. He couldn’t see the Elders anymore, but the familiar shockwave sent him into action. Silently, he stepped into the crowd as it quieted and the group took a few steps back from the center.

Wulfric slid between people in the confusion, desperately searching for Scarlet. When he finally drew close enough to see her, his fists clenched.

The crowd had formed a wide circle around the fire. Too close to it on the right stood Scarlet. She stared down two wolves that prowled in front of her, never turning her back to any of them.

Across the fire and inside the empty circle, Brody stood in human form, wearing only a simple pair of pants with bare arms crossed. His grin was wide and unhinged, reminding Wulfric of some of the barbarian warriors he’d seen go berserk on the battlefields all those years ago. The visiting tribesmen stood with arms crossed.

Elva and the other Elders stood to the left side of the fire. Elva raised her staff and asked, “What’s the meaning of this?”

Normally it was Barley who led, but the power dynamics seemed to have shifted in his absence. He sent a silent thanks to the goddess for that small mercy.

Brody sneered, “Intruder. We’re just having some fun before eliminating the threat, Elder. Nothing to worry about.”

Wulfric’s hackles rose but with the noise of the crowd, no one heard his growl. Brody wanted to show off his new power as alpha in front of the visiting tribesmen, but Wulfric had to protect Scarlet. He stepped forward, trying to push his way through the crowd.

Scarlet scoffed, “I’d like to see you try. If you don’t like Brody the bitch, maybe Brody the dickwad could be your new title?”

Brody snarled and lunged at her half-heartedly. Wulfric pushed through the crowd. By the time he reached the front, Scarlet had easily parried, slicing Brody’s wrist neatly. She barely drew blood before spinning around the fire.

The crowd around him whispered. “Did you see that?”

“She drew first blood. Who is she?”

Elva stepped in front of the other two Elders and slammed her staff into the dirt.

“Enough,” she said. “You will not hurt the druid.”

The crowd gasped, their whispers growing louder.

Brody spat in the dirt. “She’s no druid.”

“I’m a Hunter too,” Scarlet said. The crowd took several steps back, and a few shrieks rippled through the air.

But Elva shook her head. “Doesn’t matter, child. You’re under the druid’s protection, and we will honor the pact made thirty years ago.”

The crowd grew louder.

“The hell we will,” Brody yelled above the noise. “This is an intruder who has the nerve to walk right into our territory and jeopardize our safety. And you’re going to allow it?”

Wulfric felt the anxiety roll off the crowd as Elva nodded. “Yes, she is a guest in our camp, and we will honor her as such.”

Brody snarled, “She’s no guest.”

He lunged at Scarlet. Wulfric didn’t think. He leaped over the two in front of him and into the circle, shifting just enough to gain speed and intercept. He slammed his good shoulder into Brody, who staggered into the other two wolves that threatened her.

He stood shoulder to shoulder next to Scarlet, their backs to the fire. The crowd had gone silent.

Wulfric’s breath was shallow but steady as Brody untangled himself from the wolves.

“You won’t touch her,” Wulfric said into the silence of the night.