“A-alpha,” one wolf shifted into the human form, surprise and fear on his face. No one cared that he was naked, as all eyes were on Brody.
Brody jerked at his words, swinging his head to Wulfric in shock. “You–you’re alive,” his voice was soft as his jaw dropped.
“Surprised to see me?” Wulfric asked softly, his eyes burning hot from anger. Scarlet’s steady presence beside him comforted him. He wanted to reach for her, but they both were focused on Brody right now.
Brody glared. “You’re not the alpha anymore. I am, and as alpha, I say we do not have to honor the fucking treaty with some druid who’s probably dead now.”
Scarlet laughed and her hood fell back, revealing her ears and two pointed antlers.
“Those ears!”
The crowd took another step back from the fire, making the circle bigger. “Oh, she’s very much alive. You see, we found alpha Wulfric and patched him up. The druid saved him. You really want to threaten him right now?”
Brody’s hands shook, whether in fear or rage, Wulfric didn’t know. But his voice was firm and clear as he said loudly, “Oh, I definitely do. The druid can’t save him now. I formally challenge you, Wulfric, for the position of Ironpaws tribe alpha.”
The crowd gasped, and the silence broke like a dam. The gossip flew on the wind, growing with a roar.
All three Elders slammed the butts of their staffs on the ground again, and a flash of magic shimmered in a circle around the bonfire. Wulfric’s heart raced. The official alpha challenge was about to begin.
Chapter 23
The crowd backed up as the yellow glowing ring of magic edged toward them, zapping a few of the slower ones. Tails smoldered and one wolf yipped in pain before prancing away.
Inside the circle, Elva looked at Wulfric and raised her voice to echo over the camp.
“A challenge has been issued. Standard rules apply. It will be a fight to the death or to unconsciousness. You have two minutes to prepare.”
Her words were so final, and Wulfric’s spine snapped to attention. Some of his memories of previous battles while human flitted in and out of his mind along with the two other alpha challenges he’d participated in before.
The same sense of cold calm settled over him now as it did then. Elva and the other two Elders each went to the edge of the circle, forming a triangle between them with the fire in the center.
Wulfric turned to face Scarlet. He had to make sure she was alright. But she just looked up at him with those fierce green eyes, one brow raised. “You didn’t tell me Grandma was a fucking legend here.”
He grinned and shrugged. “Wasn’t sure you’d actually come all this way if you knew.”
She rolled her eyes, then looked over at Brody who stood talking with his two friends, now both in human form. She looked back up at Wulfric, the concern on her face making his chest ache.
“How is this going to go? Will you be alright? Are you recovered enough? Can I help?”
He grinned, his feelings for her filling him with hope, purpose, and determination to succeed.
“I’m going to win,” he said with confidence. “It’ll just be the two of us in a fair fight, and that, I can handle.”
“But your injuries—“
“Are healed. Don’t worry, bunny. When this is over, I want to show you the camp and introduce you to some friends.”
She looked over at the crowd nervously, the flash of vulnerability nearly making his knees weak. He wanted to pull her into a hug and protect her from the world, but she was more likely to punch him for it than seek comfort.
Elva’s voice rose over the crowd. “It is time.”
The Elders lifted their staffs and said an incantation together. A magical barrier erected itself from the circle, straight into the sky. Then Brody’s two friends each were pulled by magic. One was forced to Nomani’s side and the other went to Barley.
Scarlet struggled as magic settled on her, but Wulfric just shook his head. “This is normal,” he said. “Elva will watch out for you.”
Scarlet’s feet slid along the compacted dirt. Elva smiled at her and nodded when Scarlet stopped beside her.