Page 66 of Oath of Revenge

Sasha frowned and peered at Scarlet around her father’s shoulders. “What previous families?”

Scarlet’s brows rose. “So Brody hasn’t let everyone in camp in on that agenda, has he?”

The male shook his head slowly, one hand behind him as he held Sasha protectively.

Scarlet pressed her advantage. “Brody isn’t thinking of the Growlers. He’s only thinking of himself and what he left behind in Busparia. The magic of the turning isn’t working right. Why do you think the druid sent me?”

She let the question hang in the air.

Eventually he said softly, “The Elders aren’t doing anything. The magic is breaking down, but they’re not going to stand in the way of the will of the goddess.”

He said the last with a bitterness that caused Sasha to frown. Scarlet drew on all she’s heard from Wulfric and tried to think like Eirwyn. She raised her brows, standing proudly as she replied.

“The Elders would let the magic fade. Then what will happen?”

The man growled, “Then the tribe will be wiped out by disease or famine or this damn winter. If the Buspartan defenders find out the magic is fading, they’ll invade the forest. We can’t have that.”

Scarlet tilted her head. “That sounds too practiced. You’ve heard that argument a lot over the past few days, haven’t you?”

The man’s jaw snapped shut as his lips pursed, but he didn’t answer.

Scarlet lifted both daggers and bent her knees. The Growler stiffened, but before he could move, Scarlet threw both daggers. One embedded in the tree to his left and the other in the tree to his right.

Sasha gasped and gripped her father’s arm, but the wolf didn’t look away from Scarlet.

Scarlet lifted her head and thought of Eirwyn and Knox. The events of the past year. The fears Wulfric had shared. Her stomach churned at the chaos, the needless bloodshed, and a sliver of worry for the Growlers made her stiffen.

“A war is brewing right here in your camp,” she said harshly. “Are you really going to just let it come or will you do what’s right to stop it? It’s why the druid sent me. I’m to lend my assistance, but I can’t do it alone. Are you willing to help or do I have to go through you to protect the forest?”

The silence stretched but Sasha stepped beside her father. “It will be a great honor to help the druid,” she said.

The wolf stiffened and tried to push her behind him. Sasha shook her head and her jaw firmed.

“No, Papa. You know it’s the right thing to do. I’ve heard you and Mama at night. You’re worried about Brody’s plan. This is the choice you’ve been looking for.”

“It’ll be dangerous,” Scarlet warned.

For the first time, the girl smiled and nodded eagerly. “Growlers don’t mind danger. We’re taught to fight early.”

Scarlet waited. This girl was barely an adult, yet she’d snuck up and attacked well. Her father should be proud. But if he didn’t work with her, she wasn’t sure that she’d reach Wulfric in time to help. He might have gone to the camp with the intention of speaking with the Elders, but if there were as many in camp as he said, he wouldn’t make it out without fighting Brody.

Finally, the man sighed and nodded. “Fine, let’s walk while you explain what you need from us. I’m still on watch.”

Scarlet pulled her daggers free of the trees and fell into step beside the Growler as Sasha shifted to her wolf form. She outlined her plan and explained that Wulfric was alive and he’d gone to the Elders for answers.

“Sasha can go back to where I left our bags. If Wulfric shows up, she can tell him what’s going on. Sir—what’s your name?”

“Todd,” he said.

Scarlet nearly stumbled in the dark at the entirely mundane name. “Alright, Todd, you can go into camp and see if Wulfric is there without raising suspicion.”

Todd shook his head. “No, you should go back to your pack, and Sasha can go into camp. I have to continue the watch.”

Scarlet stretched her senses once more. “There’s a Growler half a mile that way, and another that way. If any living creature gets within that radius of me, I’ll know what kind it is.”

Sasha frowned but didn’t point out that she’d gotten the jump on Scarlet.

“I’ll stay between the two outer perimeter Growlers, keep pace with them. They’ll never know it’s me or that you’ve left the post. But if Wulfric dies from another illegal alpha challenge, the entire fate of your tribe dies with him.”