“Sh, don’t move yet. You’re still healing,” Trix said. No, she was Bella now.
He looked up, not moving his head. Bella sat beside him on the floor of the ballroom, her knees drawn up to her chest and her arms around her knees. She’d sat like that when she was a girl, listening to her mother read stories before the fever took her.
“Scarlet?” His voice was hoarse, and he licked his lips. Bella animated a flask and it floated in front of his face. He gave a brief nod and lifted his head as it slowly poured water. Barely enough to wet his tongue, he swallowed and opened his mouth again.
As he drank, Bella said, “She went to find the horses. She should be back any minute now.”
He let his head drop to the ground and closed his eyes. “Thank you,” he murmured.
“You’re welcome, Da.”
His eyes flew open to meet hers. She sighed, “We still have so much to discuss, but you are and forever will be my Da.”
Tears welled in his eyes, and he blinked rapidly. He’d not lost her, not completely. If her story was true—and it was too fantastical not to be—then they might be able to recover her body. She could have a life again, and he could be the father he should’ve been. Present and supportive instead of missing for ten long years.
She grinned—looking so much like her mother—and waved her hand. “Oh, none of that, now. Tell me about Scarlet. She told me some of how you’ve traveled together the past two weeks, but not all of it. You seem close, which is a dichotomy. A Growler and a Hunter.”
He smiled at her accepting tone. “I love her. She’s my fated mate.”
Bella blinked and rested her cheek on her knee. “I thought I loved Gastone when I married him.”
He stretched, feeling the pinch of pain in his side and around his body. “I can’t believe you’re old enough to be married.”
She shrugged, her eyes turning sad as she looked out the open, broken windows. It was dark now, and a faint breeze blew in. The sound of hooves echoed below, but neither of them moved yet.
Bella sighed. “Marriage wasn’t what I expected, that’s for sure. I—I destroyed the tavern, the shop, the whole town, really. I’m sorry, Da.”
“No, I’m the one who’s sorry, Bella. I should’ve been here.” The name still felt strange on his tongue, but he couldn’t deny her this one request after denying her existence for ten long years. They were each different people now. Hells they weren’t even on the same plane of existence, but that didn’t make them any less of a family. She’d always be his daughter.
She looked over to the door as Scarlet came inside. “It’s water under the bridge now, Da. I’m glad you’re alive though, that I’m not so alone anymore.”
He reached for her hand, but pulled away before she saw the movement. He wanted to hold her. Until she got her body back, that would be impossible. She scrambled to her feet as Scarlet came into the room carrying a saddle bag.
Scarlet’s voice echoed in the cavernous room. “I made a litter, but it’ll be difficult to get him down the stairs. I strapped your book bag and the rose to my horse. You can ride her if you’d like.”
“Thank you,” Bella said. “He’s awake now, but I don’t recommend moving him for another few hours. It’s the middle of the night too, and we are going into the Feral Forest.” Bella shivered, and Wulfric smiled, remembering how terrified she was of the forest as a child.
“But what about the wizard?” Scarlet opened the saddle bag as she walked closer.
Bella shook out her skirts. “I know, but if we move him too soon, it could do more damage. I only have the smaller healing potion left, and it’s not enough to get even to the forest, much less wherever we’re going.”
“Very well,” Scarlet said, pulling her new pocket mirror from the saddle bag. She pushed a button and it lit up from within. She’d been so excited to show him the invention in Hartsgrove, but he wasn’t sure how it worked. Explaining it had paled compared to her need to get to the queen.
Bella, his daughter, was the fucking queen. His body went from cold to hot, and his mind wandered to what she’d said about the wizard. If they could defeat the wizard and get her body back, then somehow restore her to the throne… perhaps then she’d forgive him for leaving ten years ago. Perhaps then he could make his absence up to her.
The murmur of voices was faint, and Wulfric closed his eyes and willed his body to heal. He must’ve dozed because a deep thud hit the terrace outside the ballroom, jerking him awake. He groaned as pain ripped through him, his whole body resisting the movement.
He blinked, glancing around and tensing. “The wizard?”
Bella jumped to her feet and paled, her hand going to her stomach as she took a step back from the broken windows. “No, not the wizard.”
Wulfric tipped his head and saw a swirl of green smoke. Then Knox stepped through it, his eyes sharp as he took in the state of the room. He said nothing of the horse standing in the ballroom or the chandelier embedded in the marble floor.
Instead, he strode purposely toward them, eyes raking over Wulfric, Scarlet, and then pausing on Bella. His steps slowed to a stop.
Bella’s hands shook and her mouth opened and closed. “You—I—I thought you were dead.”
He shook his head. “No, Eirwyn and I are both very much alive. Are you?”