Silentclaws stroked his beard. “And if she doesn’t want to talk?”
Wulfric shrugged, his mouth tilting in the first smile of the day. “I have ways of persuading her.”
The men chuckled, but it seemed to be what the old alpha wanted to hear. He harrumphed and nodded in approval. Nightstalkers clapped him on the shoulder as he stood. “I wish you luck, my friend. May the gods find favor with your soul.”
One by one, the alphas stood and stretched. They all needed a run after the hours discussing politics. He stood to follow them, but his stomach twisted. Something was wrong.
He frowned as he stepped out the side door, the Elders following him. He analyzed the situation and searched his soul. It wasn’t the tribe or the leaders’ visit that was the problem.
His heart screamed that something was wrong with Scarlet. Sweat broke out on his back, and his stomach quivered. He felt like he was going to be sick. Elva sniffed beside him and frowned.
Elva patted his back. “It’s the mate bond. You can feel her distress. You have to find her.”
“She doesn’t want me,” he gritted through clenched teeth.
“Then save her and leave again. But if you let something happen to her, you’ll never forgive yourself. And by the gods, you might not survive either.”
Damn it, she was right. He nodded once, and she raised her voice. “Alphas, the Elders of Ironpaws thank you for this major accomplishment. However, I propose that our alpha go to the dragon’s camp today to secure the treaty and information. Aye? We can send messengers with questions as needed.”
The alphas glanced at each other, and Nightstalker slowly smiled, the pain in his eyes clear as he nodded. “You have our full support, head alpha. You will do our people proud, we have no doubt.”
Wulfric straightened his spine as they continued to their guest tents, his head swimming. Elva followed him, giving advice and mothering him as he stepped into his tent and stuffed a pack with extra clothes and a waterskin. Then he shoved his boots inside too, grabbed Scarlet’s cloak and daggers and her pack, and walked out the tent barefoot.
The alphas stood naked around the communal fire. They nodded, and Battlefangs moved from side to side. “We’ll shift and run with you for a while north. Then we’ll return here before going back to our homes and advising of the changes.”
Now that he’d decided to find her, his body was humming with energy. He hefted the two bags onto his back and jogged to the edge of camp. When he was out of sight, he shoved his clothes off and into the pack, shifted, and picked both up with his teeth.
Then he sprinted through the woods, following his nose and his heart to his mate, the alphas following him part way and howling encouragement in his ears.
It was well after dark when he arrived at the cottage. He’d almost made camp along the road, but when he’d seen her tattered clothes, he’d taken off faster than before.
He pushed open the door with his shoulder and growled. A layer of snow covered Scarlet’s frozen body just inside the doorway to the cottage. He shifted, kneeling and rolling her onto her back.
Her lips blue and her fingers white, her body didn’t even shiver.
“Damn it, bunny, what did you do to yourself?” he growled, scooping her up and grabbing a blanket from the chair by the banked fire. He wound it around her and laid her down in front of it.
He quickly got a fire going, then went upstairs to grab more blankets. He piled them around her, tucking them in as he kicked himself for leaving her alone.
It’d been what she wanted, but it wasn’t right.
“Fucking hells, bunny, we’re meant to be together. Why can’t you just accept me?” His voice grew softer as he curled his body around her, his chest aching. “Love me?”
He sniffed and prayed. “Goddess, please save her.”
He laid there for what felt like hours, not sleeping but just feeling her thin heartbeat beneath the palm he kept on her chest.
Dawn approached and he added more wood to the fire, keeping it blazing hot. A moan rumbled softly, and he spun on his heels, leaning over her. Her eyes fluttered, and a line formed between her eyes as she frowned.
“You?” she croaked.
His chest grew tight, and he brushed her hair out of her face. “You’re alive,” he breathed in relief and blinked away tears.
She groaned and nodded, licking her lips. He jumped up and ran to the kitchen for a cup of water. When he came back, she was blinking rapidly and struggling to get out of her blanket cocoon.
“Hydrate first,” he murmured as he sat her up and held the cup to her lips.
When she was done, he leaned back against one chair with her between his legs. Had it been a week ago that he’d sat right here, naked and weak from his fight, and fallen in love with her?