Page 60 of Oath of Rebellion

Scarlet pointed her dagger at them. "Then yeah, he was probably poisoning you for years."

He ran a hand over the side of his head, jerking slightly in surprise. He'd forgotten that he wasn't wearing his hood. It was amazing that Eirwyn hadn't run screaming into the night.

He looked at her, no doubt that hope shone in his eyes. If she could handle him like this, perhaps she could handle all of him. He needed to ask Olive about fated mates, but first, they needed a plan.

Knox turned back to Scarlet, his mind working furiously as he thought through the possibilities.

"Red, if the king finds out you didn't kill her, find the Robins in the taverns."

She sat up in her chair. "The Robins? Are you fucking serious?"

He nodded. "I know your work is mostly against them, but if he turns on you, the Robins will get you safely out of town."

She sighed dramatically and threw herself back against the chair, pulling one leg up to dangle on the arm rest and ignoring him yet again.

Eirwyn yawned. "So that's the plan? Scarlet will take a heart to my brother, and we'll see what happens?"

Knox nodded and released her hand. "Why don't you go upstairs? You've had an exhausting day and should get some rest."

She blushed furiously and leaned closer. "Will you be sleeping there?"

He leaned closer to her, drawn like a moth to a flame as his heart raced at her nearness. "Do you want me to?"

Scarlet gagged. "Ugh, barf. I know you've waited for this your entire life, but I veto any sex happening in this house."

Olive gasped, her eyes widening. "Yes, I agree. My house, my rules. No sex tonight for any of you."

Eirwyn giggled and her eyes twinkled. "That might be a greater tragedy than my brother trying to kill me."

Knox chuckled and leaned back, crossing his arms. Eirwyn's gaze slid over him, making the hair on the back of his hands stand up. She stared at him the way a fox stared at a chicken.

He licked his lips and grinned. "I might have to agree with you on that one."

Scarlet's brows rose. "Nice to see you learning to flirt, brother. But this is the princess you're talking to."

Eirwyn shrugged her delicate shoulder and stood. "Even princesses have needs, Scarlet. But all this talk of sex has me suddenly realizing how filthy I am. Does anyone have anything else I can wear? Something clean?"

Olive nodded, "Scarlet, take her upstairs and get her some of your old clothes. They should fit well enough. And run her a bath while you're at it. Heavens knows she might not get one up with the dwarves."

Scarlet's boots landed on the wooden floor as she stood, stretched, and walked to the stairs. Eirwyn's bright eyes caught Knox' before she walked around his chair. Her fingers trailed from his shoulder, up his neck, and over his scales and horns.

It surprised him yet again that he was just sitting in the same room as her with his head bare. At her touch, a shiver of ecstasy swept him like a flash flood.

Then she was walking away, her hips shaking in her silk blue, white, and red dress.