Page 50 of Oath of Rebellion

They turned their horses along the Lone Road, listening for the Growlers and watching for signs of passage. Sure enough, they found horse tracks.

Knox swung down to inspect them. The back left shoe had an arrow print in it. His blood ran cold, and he strode back to Ryder.

"It's Red," he said curtly as he swung onto his horse. "I'll take it from here, Ashur. Go check on Will and see if he's been able to stop the king's men from trying to build that fucking road."

He kicked his horse's sides just as a howl echoed through the forest.

Dear gods, don't let him be too late.

Chapter 18

EIRWYN SLOWLY AWOKE to a jostling, rhythmic movement. She blinked her eyes, but all she saw was brown. She lifted her head. Grass and shrubs passed in front of her, and her jaw dropped open in surprise.

She was thrown over the side of a horse, her face in its side with her hands tied behind her back. The pommel of the saddle dug into her ribs and the rest of her was pressed against the body of her captor.

She began to struggle, but the fiend spanked her.

"Quiet. The forest is dangerous, especially at night. It would bring you a swift death, but I need you alive."

The voice was the woman's from the gazebo and somehow familiar. Eirwyn's memories came slamming back at the voice, and she turned to hiss, "Scarlet, is that you? What are you doing? Let me go."

The woman leaned down, her hood still obscuring her face. "Sorry, I can't do that. We have to get to Grandma's house."

"Let me ride like normal, and it'll go faster," Eirwyn's words were rushed as the sense of impending doom and dread welled within her.

A howl echoed in the distance, and the horse skittered on the well-worn path.

"Shit," the woman said, regaining control of the horse. Eirwyn felt something on her wrists, then the bindings fell free. Scarlet shoved her, and Eirwyn went sprawling back into the dirt. She landed on her backside with a grunt.

"What the—"

"Listen, we need to get out of here. The Growlers are coming, and it won't be pretty if they catch us. It's mating season." The woman held a hand down to her, and Eirwyn hesitated.

Another howl sent her into motion. She grabbed her hand and put her boot in the stirrup. She swung up awkwardly behind Scarlet, still in her wedding finery and red cloak.

Before she'd gotten settled, the woman kicked the horses sides. They lurched forward, and Eirwyn grabbed her waist. Her teeth jarred, and she bit into her own lip at the bruising pace. The metallic taste of blood made her wince. The air grew colder as the night went on.