Page 45 of Oath of Rebellion

But first, they had to rob the palace.

Knox took a deep breath and opened the door. There was a bustle of activity, and no one paid him any attention. Until he lifted the magical tube, pressed the three gems on the side, and blew into one end.

His green gas mixed with the magic in the tube, changing his gas from a deadly poison to only a sleeping gas. John had gone back to his brothers, the dwarves, to perfect the invention.

They'd tested it on almost every person in Vidrland, including the magic users. The mages in the forest weren't as well-taught or magically gifted as the nobles or king. Knox just hoped it was powerful enough to last the thirty minutes it was supposed to.

The green gas sank to the floor, mixing with the feet of the kitchen staff. No one noticed it billowing up around them. Several yawned. When the green reached their knees, they began to slump over where they stood. The cook laid her top half on the table, falling on the jam covered pastries.

It reminded him of Eirwyn. When they were all put to sleep, he walked through the kitchen toward another door, swiping an olpertine as he went. He put it in his pocket to give to Eirwyn later.

The door opened onto another small hallway. Several nobles were going into a few doors on the side, and Knox stepped into each one, even the ladies' facilities room. When he'd walked through all the surrounding rooms, he stepped into the back of the ballroom.

Ashur and the other Robins had taken a preventative elixir to counteract the effects of the sleeping gas. Knox took a deep breath, growing dizzy from the deep breathing. The green and white smoke began to fill the room, sinking to the ground as nobles danced. Knox breathed out, his eyes scanning the crowd as he looked for a black-haired beauty.

The dancers slowed, and the music faded. Within seconds, snores were heard throughout the room. The Robins moved in, picking pockets and shoving gems and jewelry into bags.

Knox walked the perimeter before going onto the outdoor terrace and putting more people to sleep. Ashur disappeared up the grand staircase to finish his part of the mission. They'd spent weeks meticulously planning this heist.

He blew more gas into the ballroom, watching it roll across the floor. He walked up to the king and queen, both slumped in their throne chairs on the raised dais on one end of the room.

He stared at the king. Eirwyn had grown up with this man, this selfish tyrant who couldn't decide whether the forest killed his parents or the Glathens. Knox knew the truth, though.

Or rather, he suspected the truth since he'd been there when their parents had died. Perhaps he could tell Eirwyn about it soon. Not tonight though since they had plans.

He smiled and walked away from the sleeping drakin king, blowing more sleeping gas through the crowd. The external rooms would be waking soon, and he wanted to give them one more pass.

Two shots each. Less than an hour to get in, put them to sleep, and get out. The plan was working well, yet the more he walked around, the more his stomach tightened. Eirwyn was nowhere to be found; she was supposed to be here at the reception ball celebrating with her brother and the new queen. Perhaps she was upstairs in her room.

Knox shook his head. If she were, Archer would see her when he completed his mission above stairs. Ashur was going to use sleep darts on anyone he met though. Knox looked around, calming himself.

She wasn't the type to hide in her room during a party. She was vivacious and full of life.

No, the more logical explanation was that she wasn’t in the palace at all. Perhaps she was already on her way to the tavern.

He smiled, anticipation building within him even as his hands began to shake and his eyes blurred from using so much magic. It was time to wrap this robbery up and get out of there. He had a princess to woo.