Page 42 of Oath of Rebellion

In a few hours, maybe she'd be able to convince Knox to give in to his feelings and explore passion with her. She continued on the path through the now dark gardens, hoping for more than a one-night stand with him.

She stared up at the giant castle, the peaks looming into the sky and shining with a thousand lanterns on the parapets. Pigeons chattered with excitement for the party, but the crow that squawked nearby led her to be cautious.

She walked around the blooming rose bushes that edged the pond in the center of the gardens. The hedge wall on the other side muffled the voices, and she rounded the bend and spied the gazebo.

"She doesn't know a thing, but I need you to take care of it tonight," a familiar deep voice echoed from inside the gazebo.

Eirwyn's footsteps slowed as she listened, and she wrapped the shadows around her more, snuffing out the light. This was one reason she loved going to the tavern. She liked to see and hear all the juicy gossip and know who was doing what. It led to fewer surprises and being more prepared when everything went to shit.

That was why it'd been so stressful and such a shock when Gastone had shown up at the tavern that night to drag her back home. She'd not seen it coming. And now it'd led to a chain reaction of the wedding.

"Are you sure this is necessary?" a soft, feminine voice asked.

"Yes, absolutely. It's long overdue. The kingdom depends on this, do you understand?"

Eirwyn frowned. Was that Gastone?

"No, but you're the king. Your word is my command."

Eirwyn's eyebrows rose. It was her brother! And he was meeting with this woman on his wedding night during his wedding reception? What was he up to?

"Your wife won't be happy," the woman said.

Eirwyn's rage began to boil. The king was already cheating on Bella too? It definitely wasn't true love. Bella deserved better.

The king snorted. "She won't be that torn up about it. Trust me. I know my wife. Now, will you do it or not?"

Eirwyn frowned. How could he know Bella when they'd only met a month ago? What could her strict, tyrannical brother be planning that her friend would approve of?

The woman said, "Aye, but half now and half when I bring back the heart."

There was a pause, then a soft clinking sound echoed.

"We're done here. I'll send a note to the guild master when you return with a meeting place for the other half and the heart."

Boots slid on the floor of the gazebo. Eirwyn dipped in between two big rose bushes as her heart raced, not even caring if her new gown became torn. There was no telling what her brother would do if he found her eavesdropping.

She watched through the leaves as he walked out of the gazebo and down the straightest path to the veranda. She could barely hear the faint music through the open doors. The night was muggy but much cooler than it'd been in the day.

She stepped out of the bushes on silent feet, intent on sliding past gazebo while trying to glimpse this mystery woman. Whoever she was, Eirwyn wanted to find out what she was getting paid to do and how it could hurt Bella or the kingdom.

She turned to the gazebo but hadn't taken even two steps when a hooded figure appeared in the doorway. Eirwyn frowned.

She'd heard a woman, but this was a small man wearing dark pants, boots, and cloak. A hood obscured his face, but then he lifted small gloved hands and blew a sparkling dust in her direction.

Eirwyn coughed and jerked to the side to avoid it, but it was too late. Her vision swam, and she fell, inky blackness welcoming her with open arms.