Page 34 of Oath of Rebellion

Eirwyn slowly sat up, frowning. A month ago, Bella would've been complaining about Gastone with her over a pint of ale at the tavern.

Eirwyn breathed deeply and closed her eyes, tears threatening. "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to cause problems between you two."

Bella turned from the window, her back straight and her eyes cold. Her expression made Eirwyn freeze on the bed, reminding her of Gastone. She'd seen that same stone cold expression as a child, and it always led to pain.

Her stomach twisted in worry, confusion, and fear.

"I know, but with that being said, I want you to consider staying here at the summer palace after the wedding. We'll be touring the nation before going to the capital for the winter."

Eirwyn nodded, breathing through her nose and trying to control her roiling stomach. Sweat beaded her upper lip.

"I'm happy to give you two space. I know I set the worst off in Gastone. I don't know why he hates me so, but it will help you start your marriage right without me underfoot."

"And the rest of the engagement dinners and balls. You should take a step back and let your brother have his moment in the spotlight."

Eirwyn's stomach rebelled, and she raced to the bathroom and retched. Bella's voice came through the open door. "I'll tell your maid you're awake. She'll be right in to help you."

Eirwyn heaved and tears pricked her eyes. It was the same feeling she'd had her whole life. She was weak, nauseous, and shaky. Why did this always happen to her? Why was she constantly sick? Was it the castle that made her so anxious?

Or was it just always walking on eggshells around her brother?

Perhaps she'd visit Lailant and see if she could help. She didn't have time to be sick, not with the wedding coming up so quickly. She had to help Bella prepare while staying out of her brother's way.

Chapter 12

KNOX FROWNED AND LEANED against the tree outside Vidrland, his big frame causing his shirt to bulge. His hatchet hung from his belt, but he wasn't concerned at the moment.

He'd been out of sorts since taking Eirwyn into town. He itched for activity, for something that he couldn't quite identify.

"It's time to ramp up our efforts with the Robins. The timing is right, what with the king getting married in a month. It's time for phase two."

The small band of former soldiers, rangers, and convicts sat on their horses, but Ashur leaned on the pommel. They were the highest ranking Robins, other than John and the druids, having earned the trust of the inner circle. Yet Knox still kept his face and tail hidden from them as much as possible.

Will shifted on his saddle. "Are we finally going to make a bigger push to rob more than just the tax collectors? What about the rich snobs?"

Knox arched a brow and crossed his arms. "You're already doing that, Will..."