They rode back through the gates of the castle into the bustle of the town. He couldn't stay long, but a few hours to run errands would help take his mind off Eirwyn.
Chapter 7
HELGA FOLLOWED EIRWYN through the front oversized front door of the castle and into the wide foyer. The grand staircase led up the middle, then split into two more staircases, one going left and one going right.
The downstairs rooms were a flurry of activity. The butler, Hobbs, closed the door behind them.
"Welcome back, your highness. We have all been worried about you."
She beamed at him and nodded. "Aw, thank you, Hobbs. It's good to be home. Has the Chancellor returned yet?"
Hobbs nodded, his gaze flitting up the stairs to the west wing and her brother's rooms. A loud crash echoed followed by a roar.
"Yes, but have you heard? There's to be a wedding, your highness."
Eirwyn gasped and met Helga's worried gaze. Her heart raced. No, this couldn't be. Not yet.
She sighed and bit her lip. "Hobbs, would you refrain from telling the king that I've returned? I need to tidy up a bit."
She pulled her stained and filthy skirt, and he frowned. "Absolutely, your highness. Will an hour suffice?"
She nodded and turned to the stairs, racing up them as fast as she could and turning to the east wing and her rooms. Helga immediately ran a hot bath, and Eirwyn set her bag on the settee. She pulled out the peach, white, and blue blossoms and emptied her makeup cup on the vanity.
She didn't even care about the mess and lack of order on her desk. She went to the bathroom and filled it with water, then put the flowers in the cup and set it on her bedside table.
She took a deep breath of it as if drawing strength from the blooms to withstand the storm that was her brother. With a sigh, she turned to the bathroom and disrobed, sinking into the water with a sigh.
"Ah, and this is why I could never live in the forest." Eirwyn absently swirled the white bubbles with beams of light to form a kaleidoscope of colors.
Helga bustled behind her. "We should probably not mention sleeping overnight in the forest to his majesty."
Eirwyn sat up and began scrubbing. "Why not? It's the truth."
Helga nodded and paused, a wary expression on her face. "I know, but with his temper, I'm afraid what he might do if he found out we stayed with the druid."
Eirwyn took out her braids. "They were nothing but hospitable. What could he possibly do?"