"Knox, we don't have time," she gasped and giggled.
He groaned, kissing her lips softly. "I know, I know. Just a kiss."
He swooped in to steal a kiss. He devoured her, a promise of what he intended to do later tonight. She kissed like an angel and fucked like a demon. He never wanted to stop holding her, touching her, being near her.
When they finally broke the kiss, they were out of time to dip into the hot springs. He helped her pull her dress back up, but his hands must've wandered too much because she was laughing and slapping him away. She finished the last few buttons herself, then they walked arm in arm back to the lodge.
Eirwyn chuckled again, surprised by ringing truth of their conversation. She really was ready to settle down now, be a mom, a wife, a queen. It's funny how she wanted to fly free of all the responsibilities just a few weeks ago.
And now her life was completely different, yet the responsibilities, rules, and structure of society didn't weigh on her shoulders like it did before. Perhaps it was because they were forging a new society in the forest. They could set the rules so that they were fair and logical for all.
When they walked into the lodge, a hush fell over the crowd. It was packed and standing room only, even with the addition of the benches that were angled almost up to the ceiling. They walked down the newly made center aisle to the oval table in the center of the room.
Lailant sat in one chair along with the dwarf and gargoyle. Two old druids sat along with six others whom she assumed were former soldiers and Robins.
Knox pulled out a chair, and Eirwyn sat. Then he sat beside her. Ashur stood and turned to the crowd as Knox took her hand in his.
She hadn't ever attended a Council meeting with her brother, so she wasn't sure what to expect. But somehow she doubted it was quite like this.
John slid two pieces of paper over to each person on the table. Eirwyn read through each line as Ashur spoke.
Ashur outlined the Robin's code, the core rules that governed them all. He explained how he'd come to be in Vidrland and how he and Knox had formed the Robins. Then he explained how Knox had been born from an egg.
Eirwyn flipped the page, her brows rising as she read the agenda and plan for the fledgling nation.
"He is a dragon, but that's not something to fear. All his life, he has protected this forest and its people, well before he realized it was his birthright. I would like to formally nominate Knox to be king of the Feral Forest. Do we have anyone to second?"
One druid said, "Aye, I'll second the motion."
Ashur nodded and proceeded. "All in favor will say aye and all opposed with say nay. All in favor, say aye."
Ayes chorused around them, the loudest coming from the Robins. Then Ashur said, "All those opposed, say nay."
A louder group said nay. Knox squeezed her fingers. Ashur looked at Knox, and Knox nodded, his voice projecting even though he didn't stand up or release his grip on Eirwyn's hand.
"If anyone has concerns to voice, do so now. There will be no repercussions."
Someone shouted from the crowd, "We just got rid of one tyrant. We don't want to exchange it for another."
Knox nodded and several others murmured their assent. She could feel his disappointment and frustration. He just wanted to protect the people, but if they didn't let him...
She bit her lip, bouncing her leg as an idea began to take root.