Page 123 of Oath of Rebellion

Chapter 43

KNOX FLEW AWAY FROM Eirwyn and the edge of the forest, his stomach feeling strangely empty. The ashes of the homes still smoked, but there were no more flames. Some of the younger people ran through the streets toward the edge of the city. A crowd followed, all of them going toward the forest and as far away from the smoking, vine covered castle as they could get.

He turned his head to see Eirwyn waving to the people. They turned toward her, and he looked back at the castle. An inky blackness began to seep down from the top of the castle and the walls shook like an earthquake. His chest ached as fear gnawed on him.

He couldn't go to the castle and kill the king. He looked back at Eirwyn. What if the people went crazy with fear? What if they took out their anger and fear on Eirwyn?

They were pointing at him. He could see their faces, shocked in horror. Several screamed, and a few fainted in the streets.

This was his worst nightmare, and exactly why he wore the hood. But he couldn't hide anymore. Not this giant body and not as just him.

He dipped a wing and did a slow circle over the city, then flew back to Eirwyn and the edge of the forest.

Eirwyn was walking along the edge to the Lone Road. He landed in front of her, cutting her off from the crowd that now congregated at the entrance of the forest.

Knox landed with a thud. Would they attack him? Dragons had been hunted down hundreds of years ago. Every face held a mixture of fear, awe, and something he couldn't identify.

Knox stomped his foot, his massive claw digging into the earth as the crowd came closer.

Get behind me.

Eirwyn reached up a hand, resting her palm on his neck. "No, I can help. These are my people."

She came under his neck to stand in front of him, and he looked down at the crowd, a small flap of his wings as he settled nervously. He waited for an attack, but his head told him it was unlikely with children in the crowd.

Several children tried to race forward, curious and full of awe. Their questions tripped over each other, and their parents tugged them back with frowns of worry.

Eirwyn held up her hands. "Please, please, we're going to be alright."

"But princess, what's going on?"

"Who is that? Is that a real dragon?"

"What's happening in the palace?"

Eirwyn raised her hands but the crowd just kept pressing forward, asking questions. Knox flapped his wings and the air shimmered green. He grew cold, blinked, and then he stood behind Eirwyn.

He was acutely aware of his missing shirt, but he stepped up beside Eirwyn and raised his voice.

"Enough," he demanded, his voice carrying through the field as the crowd continued to gather from the city, growing into at least a hundred if not more.

"We don't know what's going on at the castle, but if you'd like to seek shelter in the forest–"

The crowd grew antsy, their replies echoing over each other as they cut him off.

"We can't go into the Feral Forest!"