Page 65 of Masquerade Mistake

“You’re still getting laid,” I point out, referring to Maren’s fuck boy. “I have no one.” I look toward the two guys at the bar, who have already moved on to other girls, and I hiss my disgust. It doesn’t help that the guys in this place look especially hot. But still, all I can think of is Ethan. I take another long sip of my drink, hoping it will help me forget him so I can actually have some fun. But the more sips I take, the more his face crosses my mind. And this place sucks. The music seems too loud, and I feel way too naked to be out in public. I just keep sipping on that drink, waiting for a slight buzz to help me loosen up, all while I fill Maren in on how Ethan is getting to know Finn better.

“And then you know what he said to me?” I ask, sipping from my fourth drink of the night. Maren sighs, pulling the drink from my hands.

“Babe, eat something, will you?” She pushes a plate of nachos toward me, and I grab a huge handful.

“He said I’m a third wheel,” I say around the chips in my mouth.

“You already said that.” Maren sighs, tilting her head at me.

I can’t get enough of these nachos. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything so good. I grab another handful, liking the way they crunch in my mouth underneath a ton of cheese. Why aren’t I making these for Finn? He’d love them. I wash it down with the rest of my drink, then flag the waiter down for another. Maren waves the guy away though, and I frown at her.

“You are a sad drunk, Claire. You know that?”

I shake my head, smiling, ready to argue. But as I shake my head, it feels like the room is spinning around me. I stop, and I have to hold the table until everything stills.

“Fuck. I’m drunk? I can’t be. I need to get home in…” I grab my phone from my purse, squinting at the moving numbers. Then my eyes widen. “Fifteen minutes! Shit!” I move to get up, but stumble over the high heels I borrowed from Maren and land on my ass. She stands over me and pulls me up, and I realize my eyes won’t focus.

“You’re the biggest lightweight I know,” she laughs, holding on to me while I get my footing. “I haven’t had a drink in seven years, and I bet I could still drink you under the table.”

“Not funny,” I mumble. I grin sheepishly at her. “Thank God I have my DD, right?”

“That’s what I’m here for, to get you drunk then drive you home.”

She keeps a tight grip on me as we walk through the bar. Some guy shouts something obscene in our direction, but I’m too focused on making it to the door without falling that I can’t hear what he says.

“Fuck off,” Maren growls, and I’m grateful she’s in charge.

Somehow I manage to keep my food down on the drive home, but my stomach starts churning as we pull up in front of my house. I open the door and heave nachos onto the sidewalk while Maren gets out of the car.

“She’ll be okay,” I hear her say, and I look up to see Ethan standing next to her by the car. I hang my head, too nauseous to acknowledge him, though my embarrassment is greater.

“Give me her keys,” Ethan says, and Maren reaches into the car and grabs my purse.

“Stay here,” Maren says.

“What about Finn?” I croak.

“He’s in my car, don’t worry. Just stay put, and I’ll bring him in the house.”

Hot tears blur my vision as I hear Ethan chatting with Finn up the pathway to my house before they disappear inside. I shiver, the night air penetrating my exposed skin. My stomach feels empty, though I heave a few more times before I think I’m done.

“You okay?” Maren asks. She has a blanket and helps me stand so she can wrap it around my shoulders. I nod.

“Where’s Finn?”

“Ethan is getting him ready for bed. Let’s go inside and get you some water.”

She leads me into my house, and I sink into a chair at the table while she fills a glass with water and grabs a few ibuprofens. I slip the pills in my mouth, then take a tiny sip of the water. Ethan comes out of the hallway, catching my eye. His mouth twists into a smile, and even though I feel like crap, I can’t help but smile back. My eyes are having a hard time staying open though, and my head feels heavy.

“Whoa there,” he says, leaping forward as I tilt to the side.

“It’s my fault,” Maren admits. “I know her limit, but she seemed intent on drinking away her regrets.”

“Regrets, huh?”

Even though I’m blitzed, I don’t miss the way Maren shrugs, flashing an innocent grin.

“I’m probably telling you too much,” she says, waving a hand as if wiping the words away. “I should get her to bed though.”