I grab my purse, even though I’m now less confident about this date than ever. “So, if I’m not playing tour guide, what exactly did you girls tell Ethan about me?”
“The truth,” Maren says. “That we’re setting him up with a space cowgirl who knows how to use a whip.”
She laughs, following me out the room. “Relax. I told Nina to tell Ethan that you both had a lot in common.”
“And what would that be?”
She shrugs. “You both like to eat.”
I’m supposed to meet Ethan at six at Coastal Plate, a new restaurant near the beach. I get there early just so I can scope out the place and am relieved to see that it’s fairly laid back. The people coming and going are wearing everything from board shorts to dresses like mine, so at least I’m dressed appropriately. The fashion styles also tell me this place won’t be way over my budget. I’m determined to go Dutch. I may be lacking in dating knowledge, but I do know that certain expectations may come if I let him buy my meal. No thank you. Besides, I don’t need any man to think I need a benefactor.
It’s about five minutes till when I start stressing about what to do next. Do I show up now and risk getting there first? Or maybe I want to. Maybe it’s a power move to be the first one there.
Why do I need a power move?
“Stop overthinking, Claire,” I tell my reflection in the rear-view mirror. I check my teeth, reapply my lipstick, then open my door.
Right into the car next to me.
“Damn!” I lean over to see if I made a mark, just as I feel someone’s presence next to me.
“Is there a dent?”
I look up and there’s Ethan, looking just as good as he smells. Seriously. He smells like he just walked out of the shower and into a forest full of citrus and pine trees. I inhale, taking in the way his trim and muscular body fills out his classic short sleeved shirt and chinos. Now up close, I can see the intricate design of his tattoos covering his tan arms, including an incredible image of a lion woven into a variety of mandala patterns.
“Hi,” he says, and I stop staring at his arms. My face heats up as I realize he asked me a question and I don’t know what it was. I remember just as he leans down, his finger gliding over the small dent in his door.
“I’m so sorry,” I say, rubbing at it as if I can miraculously fix it. “I’ll pay for it. I can give you my insurance information. This was completely my fault.”
He pauses, tilting his head. “Do I…”
My face grows even warmer as I realize he’s trying to place where he’s seen me before.
“Last night.Hillside.” I’m hoping my clipped sentences downplay all the ways I find him attractive, including my stalking session with Maren last night.
The recognition crosses his face like a ray of light. “I remember you.” He breaks into an angled grin. “What, are you stalking me?”
If my face keeps heating up like this, I’m going to have to bring a fan.
“I’m Claire,” I say, and I can’t help noticing the way his smile broadens.
“Thank goodness, because I thought I was going to have to cancel on my blind date so I could take you to dinner instead.”
Maybe I’m supposed to be flattered by this, but it speaks volumes. He’s a player. My eyes narrow, and I push my mouth into a small smile.
“I’m really sorry about your door. Get my information from Nina and I’ll pay for the damage.” I start to get back into my car.
I hate my reaction to my name on his lips. It slides off his tongue and over his lips like warm honey. I stop, face him.
“Ethan,” I say, and the crease in his cheek deepens.
“I knew it was you the whole time,” he says.
I search his expression, not sure if I believe him.