“Why the fuck couldn’t you like dolls and pony’s?” he growls.
“I do like riding a pony–” Artemis covers her mouth with his hand and shoots her father a sheepish smile, as I lean around the front of our SUV and fire off four rounds, managing to hit one of those cunts in the chest.
“Taylan has taken Gage, Vin, Chanel and his men around the back. We need to take these fuckers out and move in,” Bishop announces to all of us. King taps me on the shoulder and motions to follow him. I leave Artemis to stay with London as King and I push the back seat forward and drag the case of guns out. King and I begin passing out guns and magazines while arming ourselves. Knight and Rook have their cases out and are arming their men, there are at least eighty men total here—we have to outnumber this cocksucker.
“You two, find a way in and take it. We'll cover you both,” Bishop says, then darts away to order his men to fan out. Royal tells us that Sin and Vincent are taking positions on the rooftop on the building next to us—they are the best snipers in the fucking world.
“We wait five minutes for them to take some of them out then move,” King says as he flicks the safety off his gun. I strap my vest and stuff three mags in my pocket, then press in close behind him against the SUV, waiting for him to give the signal. The instant our side begins firing back, King rushes forward, using the cover of darkness and anything we can along the way as cover. It’s fucking risky moving around in the open like this but we don’t have a choice. I am not letting my girl give birth without me at her side. “We need to find a way inside the fence.” I peer around King as we hide behind some scrap metal, trying to see through the darkness as best as I can but it's hard with the dim lighting.
“I can’t see shit!” I snarl as I duck back down when more bullets begin to fly past. King looks around and comes to the same conclusion as me. We are going to have to go Rambo style and shoot our way in.
“We don’t have time to sit here and hold our dicks, we move in five!” King shouts over the gun fire. I nod my agreement and pull the rifle forward that is strapped to my back. Us rushing in like this is going to get us filled with lead but much like him, I can’t just sit here and do nothing! “Five… Four… Three… Two… O–”
“Fire in the hole!” I snap my head to the side. My eyes widen in horror at the sight of London with a fucking Missile Launcher.
“London, no!” Royal screams.
“Baby!” Artemis screams as they both take off running for her with Bishop on their heels but it’s too late, she steps out from behind the SUV in the middle and pulls the trigger, Artemis tackles her to the ground too late taking a bullet to the back. I attempt to push to my feet to check my brother but then an explosion goes off sending me face planting into the concrete.
I groan at the sound of ringing in my ears yet again! I’m getting really sick and tired of nearly getting blown up. My ankle is still fucked from the first one, but I don’t have time to worry about that or the pain in my arm as King drags me to my feet by my vest.
“Move!” he screams. I shake my head to clear it and follow after him with my rifle raised and the scope at my eye ready to shoot whoever fucking survived, I just hope like hell the building isn’t fucked up and putting my girls in danger. “Two at three O’clock.” I turn and fire two shots, putting two fuckers down. I tap King on the back letting him know to keep moving forward.
“On our six!” I clip out as I turn and fire four shots hitting my target with the last, I’m fucking rusty at best. Four shots to hit one person is disgusting, Costa would be rolling in his grave.
“Move out,” King snaps. I veer around him and take the lead as Royal, Knight and Rook lead some of their men forward to clear a path for us to get inside the building, which looks to be faring well after taking a fucking bomb!
London and I are going to have a long fucking chat after this shit is over!
“Approaching door one,” I say quietly. I press my back against the wall and wait for King to do the same on the other side. We exchange a look before he nods. “Three, two, one.” I whirl around and kick the fucker open, instantly we are met with gunfire. I jump back and resume my position from a second ago.
“How many?” King yells as he and I return fire.
“Dozen,” I bite back as I hit one of the cunts hiding beside the stairs.
“Grenade!” he roars.
Not again!
I crouch down and cover my tender ears as King throws a fucking grenade inside the building his daughter is currently giving birth in. We hear shouts from inside but it doesn’t matter because a moment later the grenade goes off and we move in, with Royal and the others on our asses. Any survivors are shot in the head.
“Fan out, find my daughter!” King barks. Knight, Rook and Royal each take a team of men and split up as King and I take the staircase in the middle, waiting for no one as we take the steps two at a time. We may be inside the building but I still feel so far away from her and I can feel it in the pit of my gut that the worst is yet to come. We keep climbing the stairs until we reach the top floor, knowing there is no way he would have hidden her on the lower levels. The fact we haven’t encountered anyone or a single shot doesn’t bode well in filling me with confidence.
Something isn’t right.
“Argggh!” King and I freeze at the sound of a scream. “No!” Neither of us say a word as we both run as fast as we can toward the sound coming from the far corridor. There are two doors at the end. If we enter the wrong room, we give them the advantage of knowing we’re here. I place my hand on his chest, drawing his gaze to me. I place a finger to my lips, praying he listens to me and waits. I know this is hard but we can’t fuck up, we’re too close and I won’t lose her when she is right within my grasp.
“You’re doing great. On the next contraction, I need you to push as hard as you can,” Kim says.
“No!” I scream. “I can’t do this without them, I won’t!” I choke out. The fact Colson isn’t here and it’s only me and the three nurses doesn’t ease my anxiety.
“You need to push, she is right there and you are doing her more harm than good fighting it,” Kim snaps, clearly annoyed at my refusal to give birth. I need my mom! Just the thought of her has me crying harder. I choke on my own spit in fright when the door is kicked open. My heart stops, thinking it’s Colson coming to kill me because I’m taking too long.
“Angel.” At the sight of him and my dad standing there looking utterly spent and distraught, I cry.