Page 18 of The Pit

Which is a good fucking job because I need this fight. It’s not that I want to, although I do, but it’s like an actual need to fight this shit out of me. I always get like it when emotional shit happens, or anywhere near any dates to do with Ever, like her birthday or the day she left.

“Hey guys,” Trev calls out as he jogs up to us in the parking lot outside of school.

“Hey, Trev, everything okay?” Trick asks.

He nods, “Yeah, all good. I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to keep my books open for a bit longer tonight; the bets are still coming in thick and fast; they’ve normally slowed by now as we’re so close to the fight.”

Cash smiles, “Sounds good to me. Keep them open right up until the fight starts if you want?”

“Yeah, I might do that,” Trev replies thoughtfully.

I always find it amusing that he calls it the books when he takes bets, when in reality, he’s just remembering everything. I don't know what the word for it is, but he's got an amazing memory. It's like genius level or some shit.

“Thanks for letting us know, man,” Trick replies.

“No problem,” Trev smiles and then adds, “people are getting pretty fucking excited about it so I’m going to head over to the new area early just in case anyone wants to place a late bet, I think I’ll do as you suggested and keep the bets open until the fight between Jensen and Ryan starts. It's that one that people are mostly betting on.”

I smirk, he loves this; it’s a completely different way to use his brain than the academic and school way that he usually uses it.

“No problem, we’ll be heading over early too, so we’ll check in when we get there.” Trick tells him.

Trev nods and then walks away, two kids stopping him to place bets before he can get very far.

“Come on, let's head to the yard to get the cars,” Rafe signs.

“Food first,” I practically beg.

Trick chuckles, “Of course, we can’t have you fighting on an empty stomach.”

“I don’t think it would make any difference to how well he fights,” Luc comments with a grin as we all get into the truck.

“Nah, but it might make him more deadly. We all know what Jensen is like when he’s hangry.” Riot jokes.

I stick my middle finger up at him but can’t stop myself from smiling, especially since he’s probably right.


A couple of hours later, we’re pulling into the yard where we keep our spare cars. No one can trace these back to us, and we were even careful enough not to buy them in our town or even the towns closest to us. We use these cars for everything to do with the Pit, and if we have a job that means that we can’t take the usual vehicles.

Our jobs tend to mean that we shouldn’t take our usual cars anywhere near them; they aren’t strictly legal, and the last thing we want to do is to get anything we do on one of our jobs linked back to us. It goes without saying, but that would be really fucking bad.

“Alright, we’re going to do the usual setup,” Trick says, “Cash and I will drive the cars, if we end up needing to split up for whatever reason, then I want us to be on the phone the entire time in case we need to coordinate and use the back roads, and the road through the woods to escape whatever is following us. Use the road through the woods as a last resort. We don't want anyone else knowing about that if we can help it.”

I snort, “Come on, we both know that it’s most likely going to be the cops that will be chasing us. When was the last time we got followed by anyone else.”

Trick smirks, “Fair point, but I like to cover all our bases, you know that.”

I nod, but carry on smiling.

“I don’t think it was a good idea to start the Pit back up again,” Rafe starts signing, seemingly out of the blue, but it's most likely something he's had on his mind for a while.

I have to admit that I’ve thought the same thing. I think we all have.

“I’ve been thinking that the last day or so, but honestly, it’s too late now, and everyone is so on edge that it was either this, or we break up unsanctioned fights all week.” Trick replies.

“Yeah, it makes sense, but I’ve just got this feeling that it’s not going to run as smoothly as it normally does,” Rafe signs with a frown.

“We’ll just be extra vigilant and keep a closer eye on things.” Cash suggests.