I nod, knowing damn well, that’s not entirely true. The two-million-dollar insurance policy her dad left for her was paid out already, which makes it a premarital asset. Plus, I would never touch her inheritance. That’s hers to spend or invest, however she wants.
She runs a finger down my chest and circles it around my nipple. “It’s weird being my father’s only heir.”
“What I think is strange is how smart your stepbrother was, but he never even considered that inheriting a mansion, five sports cars, and a yacht didn’t quite leave him indigent.”
She sighs, glancing down to watch her finger toy with my nipple. “I think he was narrow-minded. He probably thought selling off all my father’s assets would mean he was giving up the good life. I’m glad we’re getting rid of the house because it holds no good memories for me. I heard we got a preliminary offer of just under two million dollars.”
“That’s good,” I say noncommittally.
In the past few months, I’d learned just how wealthy Anna’s family were, I think I was still having trouble comprehending exactly how much two million was. Which was why I focused instead on my own assets, as long as I could provide for my woman and family then that was all that mattered.
“I’ve decided to keep the yacht,” she tells me quietly. “You know, to replace your boat that got destroyed. I’m going to go ahead and register it in your name.”
“You don’t need to do that, darlin’.”
“Yes, I do. It’s my wedding gift to you.”
“Well, I’ll have to think up something of equal value to give you in return,” I respond thoughtfully. Her family’s yacht is pretty nice. I’m not sure I could come up with anything that could come close to such a generous gift.
Her hand slides down between us to rest on her stomach. “You already gave me the best gift of all. Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?”
I cup her face with one hand and give her a sweet kiss. “I’ll take either. It doesn’t matter one little bit to me. I’ll consider it a blessing if they’re healthy and love their mom as much as I do.”
Dropping a kiss onto the top of her head. I linger a moment and inhale the scent of her hair. “I would love a little girl who looks like her beautiful mother or a little boy with your red hair.”
She looks amused. “I see a pattern forming here. You want red headed kids.”
I nod, raking the fingers of one hand through her long, lovely locks. “Of course I do.”
Her eyes suddenly widen in shock, “Oh hang on, you’re a twin! What if we have one of each? What if I have triplets?”
I laugh, I guess it was a possibility, though my brother and his wife were just having the one, something that Trix was relieved about.
Anna continues, “Well, I don’t care what color their hair is. I want us to raise them to be smart capable humans who know right from wrong and how to work hard to get what they want and the importance of respecting others.”
“Those are some lofty aspirations, sweetheart. I hope they don’t end up with my intelligence. If they do, we’ll be running ourselves ragged trying to teach them all those important life lessons.”
She just smiles and brings one hand up to grasp my ear and give it a little shake. “You’ve already proven you’re the smartest brother in the Savage Legion MC.”
I’m more bemused than anything but I let her know, “Not many of my club brothers would agree with that assessment, I’m afraid. “I’m the fun-loving brother who drops ink for a living.”
“You were smart enough to pick me for your old lady.”
“Yeah, they’re all envious about that.” I don’t mind admitting to it because it’s true. Anna is beautiful, intelligent, wealthy, and resourceful. They see her as a woman with grit and determination because, despite everything she’s been through she’s unshakeable. I’m proud of her for that as well.
She shakes her head. “They’re envious of you because you’re totally ripped, all the club girls are in mourning today because you’re officially going to be off the market, and you actually have a fun-loving personality. Unlike some other brothers in this club, you know how to take a joke.”
“Wait. Back up to the part about the club girls being in mourning over me.”
She perks up. “Oh, that part is totally true. It’s a new thing they just starting doing. Every time a brother gets married to an outsider, they’re all going to show up in black. It’s something to do with all the brothers overlooking them as potential long-term partners.”
I sigh. “Let me guess, this is a Brittany thing, right?”
“Well, Siege gave her another chance at the same time he gave your friend Stephanie another chance. Both their bans got lifted.”
“She wasn’t my friend,” I point out, much less thrilled about this situation than Anna.
“You know, I’m not going to let their shenanigans ruin my wedding day.”