Somehow, Venom beat us to the rendezvous site. When we pull in, he’s already putting a drone in the air. Custom-building drones is kind of his hobby. He’s even managed to make it into a full-time job as of late, it’s surprising how many fucking influencers want drone footage of them doing their stupid shit.
I jump off my bike and rush up to him. “Nice drone. Quiet too.”
“Yeah, it’s a stealth model,” he says. Once it’s in the air, he sits down before a boxy console with a twenty-inch monitor.
“Let’s have a look around and see if we can find out where these fuckers are hiding,” he says with determination in his voice.
“Hurry, brother. They could be doing anything to her.”
“I am. Calm down, Haze. The phone we were tracking was traveling at fifty-five miles an hour. It only stopped ten minutes ago. I’ll be on them before they have a chance to do anything too awful.”
I opened my mouth to object, but a gloved hand lands on my shoulder. It’s my brother, Vapor. “Let the man work,” he says gently.
Before I can respond, Ven says excitedly, “I think I found them!”
Looking over his shoulder at the screen, I frown. “There’s nothing on the screen but trees.”
He reaches over and flips a switch, enlarging the image. That’s when multiple things draw my attention at once. One of which being a wooden cabin.
Tracker says in an awed voice, “What the hell is all that?”
Siege responds dryly, “That’s their little secret hideout.”
Rigs is the more pragmatic one in our group, “Look closer, there’s also a structure that’s been covered to blend in with the surroundings. Now if it was me, I’d want to do my dirty work outside of my home. In somewhere easy to clean up—or throw away afterwards, like a tent.”
All eyes turn to Rigs, and it hits home that in the past he’s been the one to do the MC’s dirty work, so maybe he’s got insight.
“Right, before we storm the cabin, we get infra-red visuals on the tent as well,” Siege says.
I point to the several dots in the trees. “What about those lights.”
Siege answers, “Security cameras.”
Venom states almost gleefully, “That’s not all. About thirty feet behind the structure is a river and he’s got a boat tethered there.”
Rigs mutters, “Stupid fucker. There isn’t even a dock there.”
I speculate, “I guess it’s plan B, in case he needs to make a clean getaway.”
Tank walks up and pumps the biggest shotgun I’ve ever seen. “That won’t be happening once I blow a few holes in the hull.”
“Not until I give the word, first priority, check out the covered structure,” our president says.
“On it, boss,” Talon adds as he grabs the infra-red goggles from his kit. Since settling down, the brother is less devil-may-care than he used to be—dude ran into a potentially booby-trapped house a while back—but he’s still laser-focused.
Everyone has shown up and they all gather around us. Siege speaks, “We already have a plan in place. Surround the tent and the cabin. Don’t show yourselves until I give the word. Meanwhile, Tank is going to take care of the boat while Rider, Rigs, and I take out those cameras. Once they’re blind, I’ll give the go ahead.”
Rigs chimes in, “Remember, try not to kill them all this time. It’d be nice to interrogate the stepbrother in order to find out what’s driving this whole abduction.”
I pull out my gun. “Aim for the knees. Got it.”
Rigs flicks me on the shoulder. “You’re not fooling anyone Haze. Everyone knows you want to kill that fucker.”
My favorite club brother is not wrong about that.
When everyone starts to walk off, Ven calls my name.