Page 30 of Haze's Jewel

“When you say that, I can almost believe it’s true. I doubt either of them cared about me, I was just some shitty chew toy for them, nothing more.”

Again, our moment was interrupted when the server brought out food. To be honest, the sight and scent of our dinner was breathtakingly alluring. We both took a moment to get ourselves situated before taking the first bite. My steak was delicious and so tender it melted in my mouth. If Anna’s expression was any indication, she felt the same way about her breaded zucchini. We talked, stuffed ourselves with delicious food and even shared a decadent chocolate dessert.

That’s what made going back to the boat so devastating.

Chapter 13


I could smell the smoke before I saw the flames licking up from below deck. I let go of Anna and race forward, intent upon saving as much of my beloved cabin cruiser as possible.

After grabbing the large fire extinguisher from its housing on the frame of the doorway, I dive down below and begin making wide sweeping sprays. Unfortunately, I’m losing the battle when several other men show up with fire extinguishers to help. I vaguely remember hearing Anna screaming for help at the top of her lungs. Apparently other boat owners docked at the long pier answered the call.

Everything about this situation is surreal. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s arson because I can smell the gasoline. One of the men drags me topside when I start coughing uncontrollably. I see Anna standing on the pier surrounded by other people, mostly women. She’s crying her eyes out, I stagger forward and go to console her. Stephanie is there, looking shell-shocked as well.

By the time I get to them, Anna collapses into my arms.

“I’m sorry. This is all my fault,” she sobs.

I look at Stephanie over her shoulder. “Tell me what you know, and I’ll do everything I can to get your ban lifted.”

She points to my boat. “Someone doesn’t like your new lady friend.”

I turn and see what’s got Anna so upset. Someone has scrawled the world slut in red letters along with a stick figure in black paint with red hair. Who the fuck would do something like that? The minute that thought runs through my mind, I think of the drunk asshole from this morning. The one I perp-walked out of the medical office. He’s just about stupid enough to need to draw a picture to make his point. But would the fucker be so stupid as to follow me and Anna to the port?

I remember the look on his face and the belligerent way he acted. Yeah, he was that sort of messed up bastard.

Stephanie gives me a minute to digest what I’m seeing before continuing. “I asked around on my way to the pier and no one reported seeing anything, but I only spoke to a handful of people. I called Cleo and asked her to get a message to Siege. She called back to say they’re on their way. I don’t think they’ll need my help, but I can make sure they get copies of the security feed from the outside of the restaurant. That’s all I can think of right now.”

“Thanks, Stephanie. Go talk to as many people as you can. Bring the ones that have intel to Siege.”

“I think Trix is coming for your woman.”

“Good. It will free me up to deal with the asshole who did this.”


After the fire had been put out, me and Anna sat at the docks. The charred remains of my boat smoldering in the distance. Anna had been looking at my cabin cruiser in silence, then I hear a sob escape her lips. When I look down at her, she has tears running down her face. “It’s my ex. He found me. I just know it.”

I frown down at her. “It’s not your ex. You said he was a rich Ivy League prick. He’s not stupid enough to think he needs to draw a redhead for me to know who he’s slut shaming. But I know who’s that stupid.”

Her expression is growing more and more confused. “You think it’s someone else?”

“Yeah, the prick from this morning. He’s stupid enough to mess with a member of the Savage Legion and to draw stick figures like a fucking preschooler.”

“You really think so?”

“I’d bet the shop on it,” I tell her reassuringly.

She immediately calms down a bit, but murmurs, “It’s still my fault. I should have been nicer to him. If I had, none of this would have happened. My stupidity just costs you a lot of money and damage to the boat you love so much.”

I give her a little shake. “Wrong on both accounts, darlin’. If I remember correctly, you were nice to the stupid fucker. I was the one who went off on his dumb ass.”

I can tell the truth of my words get through, because her expression changes.

I quickly add, “And part of our training with Tank was to—”

A deep male voice splits the air as Tank finishes my sentence, “Always buy insurance. Am I right, brother? Tell me you got the fucking insurance sorted?”