Page 58 of Vapor's Blaze

“But you’re saying yes, right?”

I smile at him. “I’d be crazy not to. My thought is I’d better lock you down before one of the club girls lures you away.”

Wrapping one big arm around me again, he says, “Ain’t no club girl ever come close to claiming my heart. Hell, they don’t even listen to trance music.”

Grinning at him, I admit, “Sharing the same musical taste is a point in our favor.”

Vapor’s voice turns serious, “You’re the only woman I can’t live without.”

“Yeah, I want you, Vapor. I’ve never met anyone I clicked with as easily as I do with you.”

“I want us to plan a nice wedding because you deserve all the best things that life has to offer. We’ll buy our own place and I’ll work hard to make you happy, Trix.”

“I’ve got a news flash for you, Vapor. I was never one of those girls that daydreamed about my wedding day. I don’t have any preconceived ideas about what our wedding should be like, I just want you.”

“You’re right. Those things are nice but the only important thing I have to offer is my unyielding love and support. No matter what life throws at us, I’ll be right there at your side.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you know that you’re loved in return,” I promise him.

His arms hug me tighter. “Finding you at that rave is the best thing that ever happened to me, Trix. Before you, I was just drifting along, doing whatever felt right at any given time. Now, I feel like my life has a purpose. I’m so thankful that Dex called me that night.”

“Dex?” I say in surprise. “You know Dexter? He called me that night too, I hadn’t known there was going to be a rave.”

“Well, whaddya know? Maybe we’ve got a lot to thank our joint friend for. I was gonna ask Haze to be my best man, but maybe I’ll have two,” Vapor says with a grin.

“I never hoped that I would ever have a happily ever after, because my family was the Hellfire Hounds. Being with you feels like finally getting everything I ever wanted all wrapped up in one sexy, tattooed package.”

I don’t how long we sat there on the floor, but he eventually stands up with me in his arms and carries me to the bed. I think to myself how lucky I am to have Vapor in my life. No matter what happens, I’ll have a partner I truly love beside me every step of the way.



Six Months Later

I’m in the clubhouse getting congratulated by all my club brothers. Finally, Trix and I got married. I wanted to make it as special for her as I could. She said she didn’t want a fuss and had no preconceived idea of how she wanted her wedding to be, but I knew deep down she must have something in mind.

It’s been a whirlwind six months with so many changes, King pulled through, as did Marauder. I guess they don’t make ‘em like that anymore, those old bastards are indestructible.

Despite saying she never wanted anything more to do with him, Trix did end up going to visit King in hospital. I think for closure she needed to know what actually went down on the night her mom was killed. I’ll give King his due, I think he told her the truth—he honestly hadn’t intended on killing her mother, he’d come to take Trix away, thinking that having control over her was a way to get revenge on Jamus for what he saw as cucking his son. His plan also involved forcing her mom to shoot up junk, figuring if she was back using, then she’d be out of the picture for good. Tricia tried to stop him, and when he pushed her away, she fell into a glass fronted cabinet. There was nothing anyone could have done, and she bled out. It was actually King who had called the paramedics, not Trix’s mom, which was at least something in his favor. But he’d run off leaving behind the drugs and syringes. That was why the cops assumed it was a drug related death, either she’d been high and fell into the cabinet or she’d argued with her dealer. There hadn’t been much of an investigation, as far as Las Salinas PD were concerned it was another junkie they didn’t have to worry about.

Tracker is now a patched member of the Savage Legion and he and Mel are gonna be proud parents any day soon. Hopefully not tonight, as we have our post wedding party to hold. Though despite running the bar in town they have the night off, probably their last night off for some time to come, as their future will be filled with night feeds and diaper changes. Jamus is still a free agent, he’s working in our garage, but he’s not joined the club. I think despite everything that happened, he still feels some fucked up loyalty to King and his old club. But he’s a good guy and I can’t knock him for his principles.

Seeing him walk Trix down the aisle this afternoon, looking proud as punch, near brought a tear to my eye. I guess after all those years of not being able to publicly acknowledge she was his daughter it must be pretty damn awesome to finally have the family he wanted. Tracker and Hark see him as a surrogate grandfather too, especially as King is doing a stretch inside.

As for Trix and me, life is just getting better and better. She was lost for a few weeks after everything happened, trying to decide what she wanted to do with her life. But it seems that all those years sorting out shit for the Hounds paid off, and she’s working as a manager at Tracker and Mel’s bar, organizing work rosters, stock control, and ensuring the staff get paid on time. She’s also doing night classes and working towards getting a degree in business administration. Go my smart new wife!

My eyes track around the room and then I see her, she’s wearing a flowing white dress, and her long blond hair is adorned with a flower crown.

“Ready for later?” I ask.

She comes waltzing over with a plate of hors d’oeuvres. We got Harvey to do the catering, that’s not me being a cheapskate. Really, there’s no one to compare with that guy. She lifts a morsel towards my lips, and I swallow it down.

“What’s happening later?” she says and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

“Well, obviously I’m gonna fuck my brand-new wife senseless, but I was thinking more about our party.”

She sets the canapé plate down and loops her arms around my neck pulling me close, the moment our lips meet, I feel my cock stiffen. No matter how many times I kiss that woman, she always has that effect on me. I place my hands on her ass and pull her closer, so she’s pressed up against my pants.