Vapor yawns, it looks like exhaustion is kicking in, “Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to happen. Marauder cut a deal with Siege to withdraw to the county line in exchange for him sparing his life. Unfortunately, he thought it would be a cool idea to have his crew set the building on fire before they pulled out.”
My chest ached to know the clubhouse me and my brothers grew up around was nothing more than a steaming pile of rubble. “That’s going to be a loss, particularly for Tracker and Hark since that was the only home they ever had.”
“But not you, because you have an apartment of your own, right?”
I pull him down for a kiss. “Yeah, King never really liked having me around.”
“I know King’s a complete dumbass. Imagine bearing a grudge against a little girl because her mother refused to live an outlaw’s life.”
I smother back a sad smile, “It seems absurd when you think of it that way, though I suppose if he thought like his son, then to him I was the product of an affair, even if his son was no longer married to my mom when I was conceived. I was a reminder of what he saw as her cheating.”
“This situation just has layers and layers of toxicity, sorry to say it, babe, but as far as dysfunctional families go, I think yours wins the prize.” Vapor, of course, hit the bull’s eye with that canny observation.
I point out the obvious, “In their world, the club presidents have to face off against each other to prove they’re the meanest and most vicious, otherwise their men won’t follow their lead.”
“Yeah, I get that. It’s just a sad, shitty life to lead. It seems like they were both locked in a prison of their own making.”
“I don’t disagree with anything you said there. As for me, I’m having a hard time coming up with an ounce of compassion for either of them. For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m experiencing true freedom. Having the two of them put out of action for a while can only make the world a better place.”
He turns over and brings his hand up to move a strand of hair from my face. “I love you, Trix. Now that you don’t need a marriage alliance to be safe, will you choose me?”
I bring my hands up to cup his handsome face. “You know that I will. You’re the best thing in my world. I never want to let you go.”
Relief floods his face. “Thank you, sweetheart. You’re slowly becoming my whole world.”
“You better not let your brother hear you say that. He’s already read me the riot act about hogging all your time.”
“Let me know if he keeps harassing you. I’ll beat his ass.”
I tilt my head up and grin at him. “He said you’d say something like that and wanted me to tell you that couldn’t win a sparring match with him to save your life.”
“Is that right? He said all that?”
“Well, he actually said ‘to save your miserable life’ but that sounded a bit rude.”
“Haze thinks he’s funny but he’s not. Just remember that about him,” Vapor says with a grin.
“I thought it was hilarious how he abducted the club president of a rival club as an early wedding gift.”
“I dread to think what he’s got in mind for you as a wedding gift.”
“He already gave me my gift. It’s a free tattoo. He’ll stick anything on anyone I want.”
“You have sweet, soft skin. The kind that’ll take ink like a dream.”
I flash him a mischievous grin. “I don’t want to dance around possessive stereotypes, but I was thinking of having him add my name to that elaborate tattoo crawling around your dick.”
He jerks back and looks me over with new eyes. “What? Why would you want that? You know my cock is yours for now and always.”
“Is this coming from the man who ordered me a property cut already?”
His expression turns wry. “Darlin’ there’s a world of difference between a leather cut and needles in the cock. My brother has a fucking big mouth. He’s gonna need to shut it and stay out of our business, that was gonna be a surprise for you.”
“Don’t be that way. Haze is a nice guy, I’ve got to keep on my future brother-in-law’s good side.”
“So, we’re really gonna do this? You want to marry me?” Vapor said looking down at me.
It wasn’t the most romantic of proposals but given everything that had happened today it was perfect.