“King was gearing up for war with our club. You expect me to believe that your son is just going to skirt around Savage Legion territory so we can all peacefully coexist?” Siege growls.
“Naw dog, I expect he will be just as much of a thorn in your side as King was. So again, nothing changes in your world. So why are you so fucking eager to interfere?”
“You must think we’re stupid. We know all about King’s cartel contacts. That’s clearly why you wanted to patch over the Hounds. Those contacts were the only thing of real value King and his club had.”
“So why do you care so much who our drug supplier is?” Marauder asks.
Siege steps back. “The last thing Las Salinas needs is for the cartel to set up shop. Your sons can pack up and head north, or you can be sonless. Your choice, Marauder.”
Rigs adds, “The sooner you cooperate, the sooner we can get you to a doctor.”
The man laughs and spits another mouthful of blood onto the floor. “Don’t play me for a fool. I know that I ain’t walking out of here alive.”
Siege’s voice takes on a steely edge. “That’s where you’re wrong. You’re judging us according to your own standards. Just because you feel comfortable killing someone in cold blood doesn’t mean we do.”
Marauder laughs, “It’s true what they say about the Legion being totally ball-less.”
Siege growls, “I’m running out of fucking patience with you, asshole. You have two choices, prepare to be digging plenty of graves for your men or negotiate.”
“Fucking fine. We’ll fall back out of the city limits. You should accept my generous offer. I’ve never ceded a whole fucking city to a rival MC before. That’s the best deal you’re gonna get from me.”
Siege responds firmly, “I think you can do better than that. Instead of falling back to the city limits, I want you to fall back to the county line.”
Marauder splutters, “This is a huge county, which means you’re claiming a vast amount of territory. What a fucking waste.”
Siege warns him, “Fair warning, if we catch your guys in our territory running drugs, trafficking or anything else, this gentleman’s agreement we have comes to a screeching halt.”
“Yeah, but you can consider this a temporary truce. I’m gonna circle back around for you fuckers one day and you’re gonna regret letting me go.”
Siege and Rigs exchange a knowing glance, before Rigs holds Marauder’s phone up to his face to unlock it. He starts scrolling through the older man’s contact list. “Is your boy listed under Decker?”
“Yeah, that’s his fucking name, ain’t it?”
Right before making the call, Rigs instructs, “Tell them to get off their lazy asses and get the hell out of Las Salinas right fucking now.”
“Pops, is that you? You’ve got your locator turned off and we’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Decker says sounding relieved.
“It doesn’t matter where I am. We’re pulling out of Las Salinas. I want you on the road yesterday. Got it?”
“I don’t understand, Pops. We won the vote, just like you said we would.”
Siege speaks up, “Look Decker, I can see you and your old man are cut from the same cloth. But he negotiated a new deal with the Savage Legion. Every Grave Digger pulls back over the county line. That order is effective immediately.”
“We’re not going any damn place until we have our club president back,” Decker retorts.
“Tell everyone to pack up and head home, even the new brothers. Burn that fucking place to the ground. If the Legion can be taken at their word, I’m headed to the hospital as soon as you all get your asses moving out of town,” Marauder responds, sounding exasperated.
“Roger that, sir. “I’ll get them all out immediately. Where are they taking you? Want me to meet you there?”
“No. I want you and Double out of Salinas County immediately. The cops are gonna be all over us, I need you and your brother to clean up shop as much as possible before they get a warrant for our premises.”
“Yes, sir. I’ll text you when we hit the county line.”
Rigs cuts the call and tosses Marauder’s phone down onto the table. “You made a good choice.”
“Hospital now?”
Rigs begins untying him. “Yeah, for sure. I have every confidence that your men will follow your explicit directions.”