Page 38 of Vapor's Blaze

I turn to see an attractive, short haired woman wearing tight jeans, a t-shirt, and a leather vest that said ‘Property of Siege’ on the back.

“My name’s Cleo and I’m the club president’s wife. Our prospects told me we had a new woman who didn’t look much like a vixen.”

She must have caught my look of confusion, because she clarifies, “That’s the term we use, rather than club whore.”

I smother back an anxious smile, “That’s actually cute.”

“Just trying to treat the women who come here with respect.”

This is a situation I hadn’t expected to find myself in. Having it out with club president, yes. Dealing with his wife, not so much.

“Most folks need a minute to get used to the ambiance of a clubhouse environment. You seem to be right at home here.”

“I’m not here to get used to anything, I just need to see your husband. The quicker my business is concluded, the quicker I can… you will be free of me.”

The woman shoots a tentative look at the bartender. “They don’t break from church until they’ve covered all the business they need to discuss. And we sure aren’t going to interrupt them.”

“Like I told your bartender, I can wait.”

The woman follows me to the bar and sits down beside me.

“Want to tell me what brought you to the Savage Legion clubhouse.”

“Jesus, are you their private duty security or what?”

“I’m actually a social worker for CPS. I’m just always on the lookout for issues that can be resolved without disturbing my husband. He’s a busy man and it would be pretty rude to interrupt them, especially since you don’t have a meeting scheduled or anything.”

I relent. “I suppose you’re right. Thanks for explaining all that to me. I guess, I should have called first or texted him.”

“If you want to tell me why you’re here, I might be able to help you.”

“I’m personal friends with one of the Hounds, and I’m here to negotiate his release.”

“Is he your old man?”

I shake my head, “No but he’s an older man. He’s like a father to me, he’s got health problems. He’s works in the Hounds’ garage and somehow got caught up in this mess four nights ago.”

The woman looks me up and down for a brief moment before continuing. “The Hounds are a rival club, one that’s been causing trouble for the Legion. My husband might not want someone like you hanging around his club without permission.”

My eyes flash to hers with irritation but I force my voice to remain casual. “What do you mean like me? They let me in at the gate. I didn’t sneak in or anything like that.”

The woman speaks slowly. “More like you entered under false presences, I think.”

I can feel my anger rising. “I’m not leaving here without talking to someone.”

The bartender interrupts the tense exchange by asking, “Want a cold beer?”

My gaze drifts down the bar. “Give me a cold draft.”

The bartender nods her head, quickly pulls a draft and sets one in front of each of us. The woman beside me smiles pleasantly, “I’m fairly certain the prospects thought you were coming in here to see about becoming a vixen.”

I shake my head. “I’m not interested in multiple partners. I don’t judge others but it’s not my thing.”

“Well, I’m totally monogamous, so we’re on the same page when it comes to that.”

Turning to her I ask, “Have you seen Jamus? How is he feeling?”

“The wives aren’t really involved in club business here.”