It was brighter than sunshine, and warmer than the summer.

I wanted to keep it forever.

And that—yeah.

That was the gayest thought I’d ever had.

Ass messy and sticky with cum, I struggled on wobbly legs. It was tricky, but I managed to flip over, hurriedly tugging my pants back up, mess be damned. Handsome had been polite. He hadn’t asked for more than I wanted to give, but still, my mind was reeling.

Exhausted, hyped up on adrenaline, and sated for what felt like the first time in years, I stared at Handsome for what felt like a lifetime, trying to figure him the hell out. He licked his lips, staring back at me like I was still naked. I had to glance down to make sure I wasn’t.

“You smell like us,” he said, looking proud of himself. “Like you should.”

“Okay…that’s…” Yeah. And that was officially enough of that. “Thanks for, you know…saving me.” I told him again, insides shivering, my hole twitchy. I swear I could feel his cum inside it. Though I knew that wasn’t physically possible. My stranger sat down, his cock still peeping out, legs spread as he settled in the seat beside mine.

“You will be safe while I’m around,” Handsome promised. Which again—I didn’t know what to do with. Felt random as hell, and not at all sex-related. “Trouble will not bother you.”

“Yeah, okay, buddy.” I leaned over the empty seat and patted his chest, but he caught me by the wrist and yanked me across the seat and into his lap. Nuzzling behind my ear, lips greedy and slick, one of his big hands began kneading one of my ass cheeks.

And then he began his sniff-kissing game again.

I should’ve pushed him off.

But I didn’t.

Because if Bride-to-be patting me earlier had felt good, this was like fucking nirvana. By the time he was done, I was a dazed, sated mess. Fuzzy and soft on the inside as he murmured against my skin, lapped away the salt, and helped me out of the car and around to the front seat.

My truck smells like sex.

“You will be safe,” he promised again in parting, beaming at me as he reached over to buckle my seatbelt in a clear dismissal.

I wished I could believe him.

I wanted to believe him.

I really did.

I was sure I’d have a proper freak-out in the morning about all of this, but for now I was content to ride my high all the way through the spindly, winding roads home. Eyes burned on the back of my neck the entire drive, even after I watched Handsome’s silhouette disappear in my rearview mirror.

Maybe my head didn’t believe him, but my heart kinda did. Because when I pulled into my shitty apartment complex, ninja-d myself up the stairs, and fell into bed—cum covered and hazy—I couldn’t help but feel safer than I had since I was a snot-nosed, naive kid.

No one had ever saved me before.

No one.

And for one night, I let myself relive what that had felt like.

You know that saying, “There ain’t no rest for the wicked”? Well, that turned out to be true for me. Because not twenty minutes after I’d passed the fuck out I received a surprise visitor at my front door.

I don’t know why I was surprised that my night could get weirder than it already was.

The building I lived in was shitty. Not like, the shittiest. But shitty. It was a few blocks from Spruce, the street that housed all the refurbished—but ancient—buildings that had made up the original town of Elmwood. The halls were drafty. The carpet was stained. And the back of the parking lot led directly into the woods so it was always full of pine cones, leaves, and other debris.

It was the only place I could afford on my limited budget, since I made a point of ignoring the bank account my mom had set up for me when I came back to town. She hadn’t asked for anything in return yet, but it was only a matter of time. Nothing in life was free. I knew that better than anyone. So the money rotted, and I was happy to let it. That had been my one and only interaction with her. A letter she’d left with one of my brothers.

She clearly cared…a lot.

Yeah the fuck right.