Harry was silent.

“Please just…please say yes.” My heart thumped erratically.

Arms enveloped me.

It was an odd sensation—because I was still looking at Harry, and he wasn’t the one hugging me. But then Butters scent hit. And Theo’s. And Jules’s. And I realized—belatedly—that I’d walked into our home and spoken loud enough for all of them to hear.

“Of course we’ll take care of him,” Harry said, staring at me like I’d grown a second tail. Theo huffed into my hair in agreement and I melted, heart fluttering as I finally let myself relax around my brothers the way I should’ve all along.

I would miss them.

I would miss this.

But I knew, in my heart, that I could not regret my decision. Because to live without Jeffrey was torture—and I had less time than any of them realized.

Jules’s fluffy head tickled my nose as he shuffled around to my front. He was the smallest of my brothers and barely came to my chest, the lock of white hair at the front of his head sticking straight up. He smelled like the books he loved so much, and his lavender eyes were wet.

“I’m so pissed at you,” he admitted as Harry squeezed around me, finally crowding in, his head leaning on my shoulder. Butters huffed at the back of my neck and I grinned, warm in a way I hadn’t been in years.

“Pissed at me?”

“Why am I the last to know you’re dating someone?” Jules glared up at me. “I’m like the only person here who is qualified to help you.”

“To help…me?”

“Impress a human, obviously.”


I held him close. I held all of them close, my eyes pinched shut. “It’s not too late,” I said, because it wasn’t.


“Okay,” he said, content.

“Okay,” I agreed, warm, warm, warm.

Wishing Jeffrey was here.

Because the only thing that would make this cuddle pile better would be if he was right in the middle beside me.

When I returned to Jeffrey’s apartment later that night there was a strange sound coming from his bedroom. Immediately alarmed, I yanked the window open and launched myself into the space. Jeffrey was on the bed, his hand down his pants, his laptop in front of him.

He stared at me, eyes wide—scent suprised-alarmed-sheepish.

The weird sound kept squeaking from his headphones, and I stalked forward, yanking them off of him carefully, sniffing at them as I tried to figure out what the fuck was happening.


“What is—” I glanced down at his computer screen, then balked, shocked when I saw the naked bodies there. Naked bodies having sex. On camera.

What…the fuck.

I climbed onto Jeffrey’s bed, pulling the headphones on myself, my gaze zeroing in on the screen with fascination. “What is…” I blinked. “This?”

“Porn?” Jeffrey flushed. I could hear him over the little whines and grunts from the headphones, and Jeffrey, because he was the smartest person in the world, unplugged the headphones so we could both hear.

“Porn,” I repeated.