“Right.” Harry hadn’t been expecting that, obviously. I preened, huffing at his throat happily, one of my hands curled around his hip to hold him still. He was used to my touch by now. At first he’d flinch a little, and then melt—almost like he wanted it, but didn’t think he was allowed.

Now he simply softened, tipping into me obediently the second I was near, submissive, his dark eyes full of need.

“What’s his favorite food?” Harry quizzed again. I wasn’t sure what he was doing. Interrogating Jeffrey like this. But I didn’t like it.

“Squirrel?” Jeffrey joked, eyes dancing.

“Lucky guess.” Harry’s grip on the steering wheel tightened till it squeaked. “What’s his favorite color?”

Jeffrey blinked, stumped for a second. “Um.” He glanced at me, his cheeks flooding pretty-pink.

“Brown,” I mouthed, staring into his eyes pointedly. His flush only blossomed brighter and he sucked in a startled little breath. Pleased-pleased-pleased.

“Brown,” he hummed. Then he mouthed “dork” at me, clearly embarrassed. Harry made a sound, though his gaze flickered to me, then Jeffrey in the rearview mirror like he was assessing us. I didn’t know why he’d asked that question. It wasn’t like he knew my favorite color either.

But I trusted that he knew what he was doing.

He and Jules were the last to know about Jeffrey, and I figured it was time. Even though there was bound to be fall out because of this.

“Who is Lydia Evans?” Harry’s voice was mild but his scent betrayed his anxiety. I jerked a little, especially when Jeffrey flinched. I felt it. The twitch of his body, the way he stiffened, turning to ice in my arms.


“I looked into you,” Harry said, not balking. I jolted, shocked. “Mutt is not exactly sneaky.” I am plenty sneaky! “And your name is always right beside hers.”

“I…” Jeffrey trembled.

I had no doubt that Harry already knew the answer to this question. He was just testing Jeffrey, and while earlier I’d found his questions harmless, now I felt the need to step in.

I growled, low and dangerous. My eyes flashed, the scent of my anger filling the car. And yet…Harry held his ground. I squeezed Jeffrey tight enough his bones creaked, my ire pointed toward my annoying-ass-older-brother. “Shut up, Harry,” I hissed out, half-tempted to climb between the seats and shut him up myself—moving van be damned. He was pack—but that didn’t excuse him for being an asshole. “Or I’ll make you.”

“No.” Jeffrey squeezed me back, gently pushing me aside so I wasn’t blocking him from view anymore. “No, it’s cool.” He flashed me a reassuring grin, though it wobbled. “It’s…I mean. It’s not like it’s a secret. I should get used to talking about it, right?”

I don’t know about that.

I growled at Harry again, and Jeffrey shoved at my shoulder. The silly human wasn’t strong enough to move me on his own, but I shifted out of the way as guided anyway, trusting him to know his own limits.

Jeffrey flashed me a grateful smile, obviously realizing what I’d done.

“Lydia kidnapped me when I was nine,” Jeffrey said easily—like it didn’t hurt, even though I could smell how much it did. My heart thumped erratically. Harry’s eyes widened a little, his own scent growing sharp. “She faked my death. Stole me away. Made my life a living hell for like…years and fucking years. She only recently got locked up–and I came here right after.” He trembled, but he met Harry’s gaze through the mirror unflinchingly.

Brave as always.

“Are you aware of what she was?” Harry asked, though even I could hear his tone was softer.

“I mean…” Jeffrey sucked in a breath. Don’t lie, I begged, though I wouldn’t blame him if he did. This was his trauma to tell, and I hated that Harry was forcing it out of him like this.

But at the same time…I was grateful.

Because now I wouldn’t be the only person who realized just how brave Jeffrey was. Who respected him. Because that was what he deserved. With every new detail I learned about his past that respect only grew.

“Of course I am,” he admitted, and his heart rang true. His eyes were cloudy and far away, like his nightmares played in front of them even now. “I did a lot of shit I’m not proud of when I lived with Lydia. I…hurt people.” Jeffrey’s voice was rough. “And I understand if that makes you nervous—because of what you both are.”

“Of course it does.” Harry’s eyes narrowed again. “How do I know you’re not going to turn around and shoot one of us the second our backs are turned?”

“Because I’m not…I mean.” Jeffrey closed his eyes, sucking in a fortifying breath. And when his eyes opened again there was confidence in them. Strength. It made me shiver, my body burning bright with the need to own the beautiful, resilient man beside me. To keep his light within reach. “I’m not a bad person,” Jeffrey admitted. “I’ve done bad things. But I was just surviving—and I’m past that.”

The fact he realized that was frankly amazing. I was so fucking proud of the progress he’d made.