The scent of blood filled my nose—my own, as I’d pricked my palms to keep myself in check—but I shoved it aside. Greedily, I pressed my face against Jeffrey’s thigh and inhaled. God, he’s delicious. Just smelling wasn’t enough, so I moved, running my mouth along the soft skin. Tasting the auburn hairs on his legs with my tongue, enjoying the prickle of them as he shuddered.

“You’d do anything for me,” Jeffrey’s voice wobbled, like he wasn’t sure if he was right—but he wanted to be.

“Yes,” I agreed, leashed to him by choice.

And then—because while I loved my current view, I desperately needed to see his face, I grabbed his hips and flipped him over. He gasped, body jerking, a needy whine escaping as the breath whooshed out of his lungs.


“There.” I grabbed his legs, forcing them up toward his chest, his boxers still trapping them together. This way I could see his face and his cock and hole at the same time. I licked my lips, eyeing him greedily. Admiring the way his chest twitched with each panted breath. Admiring the way his cock jerked, his balls drawing up tight like simply being manhandled into place was enough to make him nearly cum.

Satisfied, I settled back into my rightful place between his legs.

Skimming my nose along the edge of where his boxers met his thigh, I stared up at him, enraptured. He looked like royalty above me like that, eyes dark with lust, his broad shoulders trembling with the effort of holding back. This was better. This was way better.

Up close like this, I could smell his cum even better. It blocked out the distracting scents of the woods outside the still open window, and the detergent he used. Stronger even, than the blood on my palms.

I licked my lips and he bit his lip in response, eyes pinched shut, before they opened again. Flooded black. Dazed. He faltered.

“Tell me what you want, my prince,” I murmured.

Jeffrey gasped, his cock jerking as the nickname fell from my lips without thought. It’d been a while since I used it, but it felt even more accurate now. Because he was my everything, and I’d serve him the way only I could.

All my life I’d wanted to be the prince from a fairy tale. The one who saved the day. The hero. I’d thought I’d find my mate and yank them right off their feet—or sweep? I couldn’t remember which word was supposed to be more romantic. Yanked seemed accurate though.

I realized now, however, I’d gotten that all wrong. Jeffrey was the prince in this scenario. He was the one who left me weak-kneed.

Like now.

Lying between his thighs, my cock left a sticky wet patch against my new shorts, reminding me how badly it needed to be buried inside him.

“Suck me,” Jeffrey commanded, straightening his shoulders as his breath wobbled. Trying to go back to being in charge, despite the fact my manhandling had clearly affected him. That fuzziness in his gaze was back—the kind he only got when he felt safe and warm and cared for. If I had my way I’d keep him like this always. Sated and docile. My pretty, pretty bitch.

“Suck me and I’ll forgive you,” he tried to sound tough, and failed rather spectacularly, his voice was so hoarse.

I didn’t need to be told twice. I’d been gagging to get my mouth on his dick from the moment I’d caught his scent in the woods. This was no hardship. He was hot and warm as I sunk him down my throat in one fluid movement. It was much easier now than it had been before. My muscles remembered just what to do, how to relax, how to suck and suck and suck.

I grabbed his hips, careful of my claws. The scratches that I’d left on my palms had already healed, though a smudge of my blood smeared across his milky flesh. I willed the claws away so I could dig my fingers into the meat of his ass and urge him deeper down my throat.

“Uhhhh,” Jeffrey whined, clutching at my head, all his bravado wavering as I slurped around him. He was delicious. Everything I’d ever wanted. Thighs trapped, he had nowhere to go. Couldn’t even wriggle free. “F-Fuck.” He gave his hips an experimental flex, pushing into my mouth, and I growled, sucking harder to tell him it was okay.

If he wanted to fuck me he could. I’d let him.

Slurp, slick, slurp.

“F-fuck,” Jeffrey repeated, taking my swallowing as the permission it was. And then his hips smacked against my face again. And again. And again. He ground his cock against me, my saliva making a mess down my chin. “Jesus fuck, you’re so fucking good.” His voice was low and breathless. “I’m gonna—gonna?—”

I smacked his ass cheek hard enough he howled, giddy when I felt it jiggle. I’d wanted to do that for so long, it felt unreal that I just had. So I did it again. Enjoying the sharp sting of impact as a red mark formed beneath my hand. Jeffrey seemed to like it just as much as I did, because the second my palm met his ass a second time he spilled on my tongue, sated and breathless, still clutching hard at my hair. His fingers brushed over my wolf ears as he pulled me off of him, slowly, inch by inch.

Huffing hot against his pelvis, I ignored his whining, and forced his now-softening cock back into my mouth.

“What are you—oh.”

I sucked every last drop of cum from his dick, my own cock straining toward him as I pressed a parting kiss against his crown and tilted my head to look up at him.

Jeffrey was a mess.

There were tears smudged down his cheeks, his lips were swollen from biting them, his cheeks were splotchy red, and his eyes were nearly black with lust. “Good boy,” he gasped out, shuddering, his hard nipples taunting me.