“Oh my fuck. Stop eye-fucking or I’m going to leave,” I gagged, though there was no true ire in my voice. Somewhere around the third weird air hump I’d forgotten all about how miserable I was and how much my body hurt, and started focusing on the present.
“Eye-fucking?” Blair frowned, then twisted to look at Richard. His eyes widened. Then a wolfish grin split his face and he did the awful penguin-hip-jerk again. “Damn. This does it for you?”
More air humping.
Fucking Christ.
“Stop being gross!” I shoved at his shoulder and Blair fell over with a squawk. When he shoved me back, I cackled, letting him think he’d gotten the upper hand for just a second before I wrapped an arm around his neck and gave him a wet willy.
“Fuck-fuck!” He screeched like a tiny pterodactyl trying desperately to get free. “Let me go you freckled-fuckface.”
I grinned, dragging him around the dance floor by the neck while Richard laughed his ass off behind us.
After we’d done a round, and I’d caught a glimpse of the guests of honor—a tall pink-haired twunk and the same asshole who’d slammed the door in my face—huh—I paraded Blair back to the spot we’d abandoned near the back of the dance floor.
Then I spent the next half hour trying to teach both of them how to move their hips.
Blair did not catch on.
Richard though?
He was a fucking natural.
By the time I decided I did actually need a drink—and maybe some fresh air—he’d graduated from an awkward robot, to somewhat passable at grinding. He looked ridiculously proud of himself, and the second I walked away I saw Blair grab him by the hips—and nope.
No thank you.
I snagged a water bottle and headed out into the hallway. And then when it was still too fucking hot out there—and there were way too many couples making out against the walls, I left the building entirely.
The moon had risen high in the sky, waning now that the full moon had passed. The stars winked between dark, drifting clouds. It was chilly out, the cool October breeze caressed my overheated skin as I hopped down the steps and headed toward the woods at the back of the apartment complex.
I wasn’t sure what I was looking for.
Something was calling me.
Something that ached and burned deep inside me.
Pine cones cracked beneath my feet as I stepped beneath the shadows of the tree line, and took a sip of my water. It went easily down my throat, calming the heat in my body from the inside out as I sucked in a deep breath and tried to think.
I missed Mutt.
It had been a week now. A week without him. A week since he’d shaved his head for me, and told me I was wonderful. A week since I’d felt like the sun had shined.
I’d missed Blair when he had disappeared, but it had been a different kind of loss. This was…well…
This felt like one of my limbs was missing. I could feel Mutt’s phantom everywhere I went, and it sucked. It sucked so hard. Because I barely knew him. And I knew I was acting irrational, and crazy, and obsessive?—
And I’d never been that kinda guy.
But there was something about the way his eyes followed me no matter what room we were in that made me feel like I wasn’t invisible. I’d never known someone else’s smile could make me feel whole. Never known I could crave the sound of laughter, or the thump of a tail just as greedily as I craved water.
I’d always wondered if you could be broken from birth, or if cracks were something that had to happen to you. Because I’d always felt like my edges were brittle, and I had holes on holes and holes.