But that was it.

It wasn’t that I was homophobic, because I wasn’t. It was just…Blair was the gay one, not me. He should be the one pressed against a pickup truck with a big beefy dude chomping at his neck. I had a PhD in tits, this should not be turning me on.

Except that it was.

And fuck.


Maybe I wasn’t as straight as I’d thought. Because…damn.

Handsome needed to stop whining or we were going to get caught. The cops were just around the front, probably still dealing with Asshole. We could get arrested for public indecency.

He was being way too loud. I clenched my jaw a little when he dug his teeth into the tendon on the side of my neck, and the whining stopped.

Okay, I’ll admit it. The one whining from a little neck stimulation? That was me. Apparently I liked being chomped on.

He was just so…big.

So big.

And he’d saved me.

And with him towering over me there was no one to hide from. It was dark, and warm, and safe. And he smelled as good as he claimed I did. Musky sweet, with a hint of spice. His hand in my hair slid down, cupping the opposite side of my neck.

He could kill you.

Snap the bones easier than you can blink.

That thought somehow only makes this hotter.

I could stay. I could stay and get laid.

He obviously wanted it, if the bulge of his cock pressing into my abs was any indication. This was why I hadn’t gone home, wasn’t it?

Did it really matter if it was with a dude or a chick?


Feeling rejuvenated, I stopped scratching at Handsome’s back—because I’d been doing that too, along with the whining—and gently pulled on his hair to get him to stop chewing on my neck. Damn, his hair was soft. Way softer than any dude’s hair had any right to be. Did he condition?

He didn’t look like the kind of guy who conditioned.

“One second,” I breathed out, unable to help the way I fingered his feathery locks with one hand as I pulled my keys out of my pocket with the other. When I looked up, my stranger’s big blue eyes searched mine. Sad, needy, almost like he couldn’t fathom why I’d forced him away from his new favorite treat. “Just getting the car open, buddy,” I laughed.

“So it is not over?” He perked up again, like an overgrown puppy, and I snorted out another chuckle and grinned.

“Nah.” I shook my head, jerking the door open the moment it was no longer locked. “But I’m not touching your dick. I’ve never… I mean, I’m not—I don’t…I’m not comfortable with that. So long as you’re cool with that, then yeah, we can keep…doing whatever it is we were just doing.”

Maybe more too.

“That is okay,” Handsome-and-handsy immediately replied. “I would not last if you did. Looking is enough.”

“If you want, you can do a hell of a lot more than look.” I pulled the door open to the back seat with a flourish, and then hopped inside, grateful for the length of my legs because they made it easy.

“Really?” If he’d had a tail, I swear it would have been wagging right about then. The second I was in, my stranger climbed in after me. The hot flicker of his breath on the back of my neck sent a shiver down my spine as I turned my body around to face him. Without preamble, he jerked my legs open, and pinned me against the seats with his bulk.

The door slammed shut behind us with a final sort of sound, and my belly flipped as Handsome loomed over me. He was between my legs now, his mass squashing me, my back to the opposite door.