Fuck, I really need sleep.

Maybe I’d spent so much time around monsters I was seeing them in places they weren’t.

I wasn’t hallucinating though.

I just needed to turn around.

Because the growl had very clearly come from behind me.

It was quieter here in the hallway, just the echo of the music from the main room glancing off the walls. Quiet enough it made it easy to catch the wet gasp that left Asshole’s lips, confirming that he was, in fact, also behind me. I almost didn’t want to look. It felt like Pandora’s box. Nothing good could possibly be waiting for me.

Buuuut I looked anyway.

And as I twisted my body entirely around to see where the hell Asshole had gone, it became clear that there was no monster lurking in the dark. At least, not in the way I’d expected.

Pressed against the wall, with his arms twisted behind him, the douchebag wheezed in pain. His mouth opened and shut, sputtering like a fish outta water, his eyes wide with fear. Even in the dark I could see that his face was red. Redder than the sunburn I’d gotten when I was twelve that’d made my whole face peel.

But as ugly of a sight as he made, he wasn’t the thing that caught my eye.



My full attention was reserved for the man restraining him.

The very muscular man.

The very muscular man who had werewolf practically written all over him.

The very muscular man who towered over the douchebag—despite the fact that he was a massive man himself.

Holy shit.

My savior was huge. Absolutely fucking huge. His body loomed behind the man he had pinned, the low menacing noise I’d heard having clearly come from him. Maybe I’d imagined how terrifying it had sounded. But then he made the sound again—and nope.

I definitely did not imagine that.

My pulse thrummed and my skin felt hot and cold all over as I stared. I couldn’t help it. I wasn’t used to staring at men and thinking about their biceps. Especially not men I highly suspected to be supernatural. But when faced with a specimen like that…well… Even a straight man couldn’t deny he was gorgeous.

Thick thighs.

Broad shoulders.

Veins beneath the dark hair that coated his ropey forearms.

A statue of him belonged in a museum—that’s how chiseled his physique was. Or maybe he should’ve starred in an action flick, all oiled-up muscle and corny dialogue. He belonged on the big screen, blasting through buildings with his laser-beam eyes, or stopping trains one-handed, not…saving me, of all people.

Especially when I could’ve—probably—saved myself.

The electricity I’d felt in the air was still there. It trembled, making me feel shivery and scared and excited all at once. There was no denying that something was happening here. Something huge. I felt like I’d just woken up.

The merry-go-round stopped spinning.

Distantly, I recognized that this was the same man who had been staring earlier. I wished I’d paid more attention to him then because…holy fuck.


My toes curled in my Converse as I stared at the muscles rippling in the stranger’s back. He barely had to move to keep Dick-face in check. That took a shit ton of power. I would know, seeing as I’d just barely restrained him myself.