But I just…
I was so tired.
So tired of pretending.
“Fuck you.” The words slipped out before I could stop them. Nieve flinched back, his arm sliding from my shoulder, his eyes narrowed.
Fix this.
Fix this.
Fix this.
“Fuck you,” I repeated, jerking out of my seat. The fireplace continued to crackle but it didn’t burn nearly as bright as the hate that bubbled up inside me. “Fuck all of you. Every fucking one of you.” Movements jerky, I headed toward the front door, desperate to get away before I heard another fucking word.
“Evans!” they called after me, but I was already outside.
The trees climbed high toward the sky, and my heart was pounding. Head jerking left and right, I searched for—oh fuck. There.
Hanging over the railing I threw up the remnants of my coffee, heaving, as visions of Mutt with a bullet in his brain assaulted my senses. I didn’t know what his alphaskin looked like but it didn’t matter. It didn’t fucking matter, because no matter what shape he took, it was him—it was him?—
Please don’t be him.
Please don’t be him.
Please don’t?—
A warm hand settled on my shoulder. I flinched, jerking away, my fingers fumbling for my gun. I discovered, too late, that I had forgotten to arm myself before I’d left the car. God, I was so fucking stupid. Only—it wasn’t handlebar, or Nieve, or either of the other creepy goons who was touching me.
It was a man.
A very big, very golden man.
With short butter blond hair, lavender eyes, and triangular ears on the top of his head.
A wolf.
A fucking wolf.
At the hunting cabin.
Do you have a fucking death wish?
“You can’t be here,” my breath caught. I didn’t need to ask for a name to know who he was. The resemblance to Mutt was uncanny. “You can’t?—”
My breath reeked, and I knew that—but I just couldn’t…I couldn’t be fucked to care.