“I wish I was like you,” I admitted, voice rough. “You are…” I leaned down and kissed him again, sweetly. “You are the most resilient person I know. Like a flower that survives the frost. If I have even an ounce of your strength I will survive.”
“You can’t say cheesy shit like that to me,” Jeffrey laughed, but his voice was wet. “Fuck. That should be on a Hallmark card or some shit.”
“What about what I just said inspired thoughts of cheese?”
“Shut up.” Jeffrey yanked me into another kiss. And then he pushed me away, and I went, once again allowing him to move me when we both knew he couldn’t. “Come back when you’re done. I’ve got more…research to do.”
“Okay, my prince,” I grinned, even though I ached to follow him inside and finish what we’d started.
“God, I hate that nickname.”
“Lie,” I laughed, because it was. He loved it, and he knew it.
Jeffrey must’ve recognized the look on my face, because before I could ignore his words and shoulder my way inside he shut the door in my face. Which was probably good, because I had very little self-control as it was.
I stared at the chipped wood for a beat, whining softly under my breath before I forced my feet to move away from him even though it felt wrong.
The car ride back to our house was awkward as hell. Harry asked me a million and a half questions. I had to force myself not to ignore them or bite his head off. And by the time we reached the house I felt drained. But…better too.
Is this how Silas feels after a meeting with Harry?
My sympathies went out to Elmwood’s Pack Alpha.
“Thank you for your help,” I managed as we climbed up the steps.
“You’re welcome.” Harry shoved the front door open, holding it for me to go through first. “I…” His voice wavered. For the last two minutes he’d been eerily silent and I knew it was because he was mulling over what I’d said. His white button-up was ironed to perfection as always, but there was something unkempt about him.
Harry would be hard to win over. He was picky. Loyal. But prickly.
I tried to tell myself that his opinion of Jeffrey didn’t matter, but it did. Because he was pack. He was mine. And I just…I felt pulled in too many directions at once. It would be nice not to feel so untethered. To have support, when for months I’d let my lies get between me and my family.
Jeffrey hadn’t asked that of me, but I hadn’t known what else to do.
“I see why you like him,” Harry finally said and his tone was surprisingly gentle as he let the door fall shut with a quiet click. None of his usual ice remained. When I scented the air all I felt was calm. The lights were off, but my other brothers’ heartbeats sounded down the hall. “I mean…I think it’s stupid that you’re fucking a human before you’re going to have to go home and find a mate—but.”
Harry said the word “but” like it was its own sentence entirely.
“But?” I repeated, aching anew.
“But he’s…sweet,” Harry shrugged. “I heard him, you know.” Because of course he did. “He made you talk to me. You didn’t want to.” I nodded, because he had. “I know…words are hard for you. I don’t know why. That’s never been a problem I have but I can understand that we’re different. I just… I mean—you…you don’t talk to me. Or us. How are we supposed to help you if you don’t tell us what’s going on?” he shook his head.
“Words are…” I lowered my head, standing in the doorway feeling small. “Words are easy to mess up. I do not have your gift with them. I am too awkward. Too honest. I can not spin them like webs the way you do. It is better to be quiet, than to say the wrong thing.”
“That’s stupid,” Harry’s eyes burned. “But yeah. Okay. I get that.”
“Jeffrey is…” Jeffrey was a lot of things. But most of all, “he is good.” My heart hurt. “He is a good person. A good person who has had very bad things happen to him. I could not protect him from them because I was not there. And I am doing my best now, but I know I don’t have much time left.”
I’d already made my choice.
Not that Harry knew that.
“When I am gone I was hoping that you…” I trailed off, heart thumping.
Harry’s brow scrunched. “That I what?”
“That you will look after him?” I said softly, my heart hurting. “That all of you will. He is precious, and sweet—and the best thing that has ever happened to me. But I am not the only one who sees his softness. He is so desperate to be loved he becomes blind to the vultures. Trouble can scent him as prey from miles away. And I need to know someone will protect him when I can’t anymore.”